Never A Failure So yesterday, after much deliberation I had some new ink added to my collection. I opted to scar into my skin a replica of Rihanna's tattoo "Never a Failure, Always a Lesson" A saying rather close to my heart at this present time. After my recent struggle with a depressive episode, I wanted something that I would be able to take strength from whenever I was to see it. The ink is on my ribs. I place where only I shall be able to view it, making it all the more personal. We all have a tendency to feel that we fail at one stage in our lives but as the saying goes, we must learn from these failures and always see a positive rise from the mistakes that we make. For how else are we meant to grow as individuals... In order to build up a muscle we must first break it a little at a time, and rebuild, making it stronger each time. The same applies to people. A good motto to live by, I feel.
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Emma Jenkins
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The Violator
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