The Meaning Of Death (blog Post #2) WARNING: this post contains religious opinions/content that may not apply to all readers. Keep in mind that these opinions are based on MY beliefs and i am not in any way trying to force my opinion on you. I also do not mean to offend anyone with the content of this post.Enjoy! If you were to search "the meaning of death" on google, you would receive a clear, scientific definition. But if the meaning of #life (see blog post #1) is (as i believe) different for everyone, how could the end of #life be the same for us all? Science and medicine dictate that the meaning of death is "the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the #life of a person or organism." and that is true, but what does it REALLY mean? When you die, it scientifically means that your heart just stops beating. But personally, to your family, friends, collegues, and aquaintences, it means something completely different. To everyone around you, you cease to exist in all ways but physically. They can never hear your voice, see your smile, or come over to visit you ever again. You no longer play sports, play instruments, or participate in any activities that you previously enjoyed.(Speaking from LOTS of experience) Death is so much more than your heart not beating, beacause that is a factor that influences you and only you. Really though, your death affects everyone around you. Personally, i believe in #life after death, and that when you die, you continue to live in heaven, with all of your other friends and family who have passed away. Not everyone believes this, but i have been taught that when we die, all sickness is cured, all problems are resolved, and we go to live with all of our deceased relatives, and friends. So on that note, i (personally) believe that death is not the end but is instead the begining of a new #life. Sorry this one was so short, i didnt really know how to clearly express my opinion on "The meaning of death". Thanks to @Cataract for requesting this topic and for all the support! This is a very debatable topic so please leave your opinion in the comments! Like and follow for more posts like this and dont forget to comment what my next topic should be!! Thanks for reading, Bye!
Cataract / Stevo Owens
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