Breaking The Cycle #life is a work in progress. So what happens when you bring a #life into this world? In my case I had a combo platter.....twins. Being a twin myself, I had the upper hand on what not to do in respect to that challenge. The only knowledge of being a mother unfortunately came from my mother and how she raised me. So..... on my way home from the hospital, with my two new bundles of joy, I quickly tossed that manual out the window and never looked back! I was going to break the cycle! I thought I would pass on a few lessons I've learned along the way. Lesson #1: Your children didn't ask to be born, your children come first. Lesson #2: Lead or teach by example. Lesson #3: Emotional Support is just as important as Financial Support. Lesson #4: Do not choose something else over them. Lesson #5: Instill the"Golden Rule" by living by it. Lesson #6: Read Coach John Wooden's "Pyramid of Success" for yourself and his book "Inch and Miles" to your children. Lesson #7: Real Beauty comes from inside. Lesson #8: Charity Lesson #9: Spiritual guidance, belief, and faith. Lesson #10: It is better to lead then to follow. Lesson #11: Give 110% in everything you do. Lesson #12: Listening Lesson #13: Teaching right from wrong. Lesson #14: Eye contact I'm always striving to be a better person. Are there any lessons you can think of to share with us to "Break The Cycle" for our next generation or for us? I'm willing to change. How about you?
Sienna Williamson
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