Finding The Perfect Dress Chapter 1:Getting Ready "Ugh, why do I even have to come?" I flop down on my bed exhausted. "Because it's your mom's big day." My friend Kathy laid beside me and sighed. "I don't even like my stepdad. He's so stuck up." I grab my phone and sit up to text my boyfriend. "He's not all that bad." Kathy reads over my shoulder, her chin on my collar bone. "I don't know. I'll just be happy for my mom. I don't want to be one of those spoiled brats who takes over her parents #life by getting what she wants." I black out my phone and throw it on the bed. "See, now there you go." Kathy laid back down as did I and in moments we fell asleep. 'Zzz..zzz.' I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating whenever it gets a message. I see 'Text Message:Chase Hey babe I-' I unlock my phone and hit iMessages. I click on Chase Faulk and read his message. 'Hey babe. I'm on my way to pick you and Kathy up soon. Your mom called and said she's at the church getting ready. Make sure you guys are ready when I pick you up. Love you! Xoxoxo, Chase.' "Everything's going well so far." I did a sigh and shook Kathy. "Kathy." I cooed. She groaned a little, but managed to get herself up. "What?" She asked, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. "Chase is on his way soon. We need to get ready." I hopped off the bed and so did Kathy so I could neaten it up. "Alright. Lets get to it." She walked in my walk-in closet and I followed. We took our matching bridesmaid dresses off their hangers and stripped down. We pulled the white, lace fabric over our bodies and helped each other zip up the backs. "Wow." We looked in my door length mirror, our jaws dropped wide open. Kathy and I had looked like twins. Our hair was curled, hers black, mine brown, both our eyes green, same lengthened hair, brown freckled faces, and the same outfits...of course. We slipped on some cream colored pumps with our white lace dresses, with a thick pink ribbon around the waist.
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