The Blessing I know I'm going to be late again. I raced to get get to class on time. Why do I even go to school any more? I don't actually need to know anything beyond eight grade anything else was just a plus. Still it's required under state law to be here at a stupid school. Schools are all the say populars, jocks, geeks, nerds, goths, and nobodies. I fall between the later two. It's nothing actually gothic . . . Well not anymore at least. I like dark clothes and some funky music and I wanted to I could fit right in. I have friends from both groups but more in the nobodies so that's who I hang out with more. I barley made it to my sit when the bell rang, my brown hair still swing into place after sitting down. Opening my note book to do the math problems on the board. Mr. Brandon walked in swiftly and sat down waiting for us to finish our problems when a stranger walks in. Mr. Brandon gave a courtesy nod ( why doesn't he get yelled at? ) as the whole female race stared at his gorgeous body tan and in tone. He probable has a six pack under that shirt. That lucky S.O.B. all the girls here are going to swoon at him look lost puppies. Sure he is cute ( sexy ) but I know he is and always will be out of my league so there was no point in going after him just for nada, nothing to show for it. Going back to work as the teacher went off to say "This is Gordon and he is going be our star athlete for football and what else . . . Baseball! That's it! Let's give him a warm bulldog welcome." Yep a jock for sure. "You can sit next to Isabelle." What?! Of curse he would have to sit next to me. With a sigh I moved all my stuff to one side. For two quarters of the school year I had the whole desk now I had to share it with this dummy. In all classes there was a long table for two people and in science classes there is a sink in the middle "just in case". Gordon took his seat as class began. I looked over at him through my curtain of hair. He was quiet handsome. To bad he's too gorgeous i would of liked getting to know him. At the end of math a went to my locker to switch out my book. "Hello." I stiffen at the words knowing it didn't belong to any of my friends. "You were the girl sitting next to me last period, right? I was wondering if you can tell me where my next class is perhaps?" I churn slowly to make sure I wasn't mistaken who was the at the locker next to mine. Girls surrounded him like vultures. "I'm sure you can ask your fan club where your classes are." I pointedly looked at the girls behind him then walked away. As I heard one girl say "Don't let her get to you, she just a lonely low #life." With that I walk away faster. At the feeling of eyes burning through me.
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