Homeless Millionaire
Vinny woke up on the park bench early on Thursday dawn, he sat up looked at the sun in the horizon and slumped back down in his grimy sleeping bag. Vinny ,a 30 year old poor homeless man, lived on the park bench with his greyhound, smith and Great Dane, Baloo. Smith was in the disance chasing a pheasant frantically however, Baloo was cuddled into Vinnys wet shoes, on the muddy ground. Vinny would sit on the park bench and watch the children go by to school every morning, at least that was what he says,Actually Vinny waits until his divorced partner, 25 year old Edna comes by with her poodle, fluffy and her 35 year old billionaire husband, Jhonson to pick up a newspaper from the store down the road. Vinny sat up, tucked his sleeping bag neatly under the bench and waited, he waited and waited and waited until from the corner of his eye came Edna and Jhonson followed by their little mutt fluffy along the stoned path, Edna waved to Vinny but that was all that happened repeatabley in 10 years. Within the time of 30 seconds she was already out of sight to Vinny and that was his day.
On the morning of July the 2nd Vinny was waiting for Edna and Jhonson to Trot along past but this morning only Edna came with Fluffy, the next and next were the same routine. Edna came past with fluffy four days after alone until Vinny had built up the courage to ask her what had happened. He was thinking what to say when she had already passed him and was a small ant in the distance. Vinny panicked and sprinted down the path to Edna, she hadn't noticed him but he was only a few feet away from her, I'm surprised she couldn't smell him from a few feet away. Vinny cautiously took his mouldy fingers and tapped Enda gently on the shoulder. Edna squealed and jerked around, "hello, Edna... Um... just concerned....but what's happened to Jhonson?" Vinny asked politely (considering he hadnt had a conversation for months), "Vinny...Jhonson has passed... Away to the other side." Edna sobbed, Vinny had no idea and didn't know how to react
"Thank you, lord!" Vinny whispered
Edna stared in shock at Vinny and walked away slowly with fluffy cradled in her wrinkled arms.
Vinny you've messed up, you idiot you don't even care, and I know you don't, he thought. He wandered back to the bench and sat sulking with Baloo and smith.
"Hello, gentlemen, how are you doing?" A voice came from in front of him as he looked up, a little girl stood in front of him in her school uniform, her blonde hair in a tie with a big red bow went down to her waist, she handed him a brown bag with the contents of a blanket, five tins of beans, a portable cooker and four flasks of tea and coffee. He took the bag and opened the flask, he took a sip and smiled."thank you, little girl.Aren't you late for school?" Vinny asked holding the bag at his chest. "I don't go to school, I'm not wealthy enough, these clothes are just from my friend who grew out of them.
"You have these then, what's your name little miss?" Vinny asked the girl but she shook her head "I get £2 a week and I give it to people who use to live like me, I use to live on the park bench over there, my names Mercedes." She pointed at the park bench on the skyline, "I now live in the church, they let the homeless sleep there at night, it's pretty nice there apart from my older sisters snoring. She looks after me, Now...my mother and father...Died in a car accident. My sister tried to pay rent by working at the fabric store Knit-it, but the rent got higher and her salary got smaller" Mercedes sobbed, she perched herself on the bench and smiled.
"So what's your background?" She asked.
"Well, me and my wife, Edna, lived in a small cottage on the coast of Devon. We lived there for 20 odd years when she met someone new, he was handsome,younger and had a lot of money, his name was Jhonson Bentley.Edna moved into a mansion with Jhonson for 2 years then back into the cottage. When Edna moved out I went homeless." Vinny cried. Mercedes jumped up and waved bye. At the other side of the park was a young lady, probably Mercedes sister, anyway this young lady's he cottage
Sienna Williamson
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