Lost, Leaving Town (second story, so please comment whether it's good or bad. Thanks!) Two best friends, Kim and Beth, were getting bored of living in a small little town since they were small. There wasn't much, a few shops and around a hundred people. They felt that their lives were getting a little repetitive. Going through the same daily routine all the time, and seeing the same faces around, every day since they were little. They had always talked about moving to the big city, and today was the day. The two girls and their families were saying their sorrowful goodbyes, not knowing they were to be the last. Kim and Beth jumped into the car, excited to leave their small private #life and join the big city. But little did they know, only from stories, of people who had also left and never came back. The towns people just thought of these people as rude for not coming to visit, but they didn't know the truth. The girls had been travelling now for three days. As Kim was excited to start her new #life, but Beth was getting worried. During the whole three days they had been travelling she'd not seen anybody, which worried her a lot. As they were driving and it was getting late, Kim saw a small wooden cabin. They got out of the car and walked up to the front door. It was only a small cabin, smelt of rotting wood and braking away a parts, but that didn't worry the girls at all. Kim pressed the doorbell, and there was an anxious wait for the door to be answered. Finally the door swung open, with a big, muscular man standing in the door frame. He was a tall man, with stiff movements and a think moustache sitting tightly on his top lip. "Whatta' you girls want? It's a dangerous place to be, it ain't safe. You needsa' get back to where ya' came from. Now get outta' here, go on scram!" His deep voiced echoed in the emptiness, and he slammed the door shut. By now both girls were getting frightened, and they ran back to the car. Rethinking their childhood dreams of moving away, Kim looked at Beth, "I think we need to go back to the town, we were safe there. Lets go back." There was an eager silence while Beth thought it through. "I suppose we could, but we don't know our way back, it'd be pot-luck." she replied, staring out to what was by now the pitch black sky. "Well lets hope we're lucky then." joked Kim, jumping into the car. They set off back to their small little hometown. Kim being the only one of the two who could drive, was getting tired, but didn't want to pull over. Not paying attention to the dark dusty roads, Kim swerved out of control crashing down a small hill. Beth being asleep at the time, hit her head and was left unconscious. A few hours later, the birds chirped as the sun rose and Beth woke up. She looked around calling Kim, but she wasn't in sight and wasn't answering. After calling Kim a few times and not getting a reply, Beth started to really worry. There was no blood by the drivers side of the car. All of Kim's possessions were still in the car. It was like she had just vanished. Believing that what had happened was her fault, Beth couldn't help but remember what her father had said to her, just before he passed away. He said "Now don't you ever leave your mother on her own, or ever leave this town. Bad things happen to those who leave, and one knows what happens to them, but they don't come back, so don't ever leave and disappoint me!" These words were ringing round her head like a car alarm that won't turn off. It hit her every nerve. The thought of disappointing her father, also ate away at her, she never was found. Beth never did see Kim or her family again, and no one knows where they are either. No one knows what happens to those who leave the town. But I guess we'll never know until someone returns.
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