Thank You. Thank you. Firstly I'd like to say thank you to my parents. Thank you for teaching me that it is okay to be different. Thank you for teaching and giving me your traits such as kindness, strength, love and compassion. Thank you for never giving up on me when I'd already given up on myself. Thank you for just being you because you are the greatest man and woman I will ever know and I love you unconditionally. Sisters, thank you for being my best friends since the beginning. Thank you for never judging me or ever doubting me. Thank you for maturing me in a way I could never do myself, thank you for our amazing childhoods we created together, even if we did fight for a lot of it. Thank you for the little things that we have done, be it singing, arguing or something as simple as laughing. I love you all unconditionally. Best friends, to my ladies, thank you for our chats late at night or first thing in the morning. Thank you for our endless amount of laughter so much so some of us needed inhalers, thank you for our nights of drinking and take aways and just downright sillyness. Thank you for not being bothered when I turn up at your house looking like someone who just sold their nan for a fag. To my guys, thank you for stopping me from getting into fights when I can't even say my own name let alone throw a punch. Thank you for letting me shout and scream at some of you. And for the fashion advice. I love you all unconditionally. Thank you to my amazing boyfriend for coping with me. I know I'm not easy most of the time. Thank you for loving me no matter what I do or how I am. Thank you for loving me when I can't even love myself. Thank you for all you do in my day to day #life. Thank you for everything. I love you unconditionally. To the rest of my family and friends thank you for being part of my #life. For all you do, and have done for me. I love you all unconditionally.
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