Phoenix Warrior Part 1 Chapter 3 The sun at dusk, the#moonrising, I heard strange howls which almost sounded like werewolves and I said to myself "This place isn't normal, something strange is going on about that Holmar." then Lorgan walked to me and said "Come, you must get a lot of rest before venturing to Mount Eldar and fight through Holmar's forces." then i said "You know, I am kind of a hero in my place, I'm a rich man who always helped the poor." then Lorgan answered "Well that's such a nice deed. Let's go rest." then i nodded in response then he took me to a room with a bed and a sink. I woke up by the screech of a rooster, then I met Lorgan and Celenia at the table and Lorgan said "Ergyn, we are keeping as a secret because it's too dangerous or you to be known as The Chosen One, and I'm the man in this village who knows most about the prophesies." then I said " Okay" and he said again "Here, have some bread." then i nodded is gratitude and ate the bread. "Where is this place anyway." I said to Lorgan and he replied "You are in the island of Eldaria, in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle. And why in the Bermuda Triangle you ask? It's because this island was once sacred as the Island of Worshipping and only those who are worthy enough can get here and you are one of them. A century ago, Holmar became evil, he was once one of us in this village until a demon came to speak to him, and he demon said that he will be given a lot of gold if he does the demon's bidding." Then i said " And why did he live this long?" and Lorgan replied "He was also..." then Celenia butted in "Do you even have any manners? Save your story later after our meal." and Lorgan replied " Your Right." then we continued eating.
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