Translate   11 years ago

Phoenix Warrior Part 1 Chapter 1 I woke up on a beach, having no idea where i am. I saw smoke rising from the forest "Hmm. Must be a village." I said to myself. I went into the forest towards the source of the smoke and when i finally reached my destination, I saw people of all ages. I went and asked one of villagers "Excuse me, but do you know where i am?" and the villager answered "I... cant believe it. The prophesies are true. They have brought you, The Chosen One." "What do you mean I'm The Chosen One." I said, "There was a story that The Chosen One would come someday, and you look exactly as described in the prophesies." said the villager. "I'm sorry but, you have been mistaken, I am no Chosen One, I'm just a sailor who have been shipwrecked." I said and the villager answered "No, you must accept that you are The Chosen One for this land have suffered enough under dark forces of Holmar The Eagle and you must learn the secrets of the Phoenix Warrior. Come, let's go to my house. My wife would gladly meet you.

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