Experiment Of The Heart Chapter One: I love you She was dying; well by the looks of her leg it seemed that way. The sharp knife pursed threw her skin and tore at her insides like nothing else imaginable. Dark blood poured out on her tan leg and the bathroom floor she sat on. She wanted to cry but did'nt let out a sound as two men studd there; guns ready and patients gone. One man had wavy black hair and silver eyes that starred at her leg in disgust while the other man had gray hair, showing he was older, and brown eyes that starred at his watch. Her hands layed on the knife that stayed in her leg, making it hard to see ..... and live. Were they gonna let her die? Or Were they gonna help? Well from the looks of there faces that second one wasnt gonna happen. "Where is he? He was supposed to pick this mutt up an hour ago" the wavy black hair guy said with a tight jaw; his hand tight on the pistole. Who was "he" ? And why was "he" coming to get me? , the girl thought to herself as she heard a door open and close but could no longer see anything but blurry images. "Took you long enough , thier she is" a familair voice said. It was the gray hair guy. "What has happened to her leg? I thought I said do not harm her" a new voice said; it was kinda soft and fragile. "Well, we sort of had a problem keeping her quiet.... and still" the gray hair guy said. The girl then suddenly felt a warm hand stroke her check , it made her scared and wonder.............. What experiment....Why me? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alice looked out her bedroom window as she saw the Police car flashing red lights outside the house. Alice instintly ran downstairs, knowing that they were there for her sister,Jinx. "We are here to inform you that we've decided to close the search for your daughter...we feel that she has ran away"one of the police officer exclaimed. This made her mother break down in tears and cling to husband closely;his face showing no emotion at all. Which made Alice tense up,Jinx was a staright A+ student,honor roll and everything....why would she run away? "And who exatly brought it up that my daughter ran away"her father asked,still showing no emotion. "Well,our cheif brought it to our attention that your daughter seemed pretty emotional before her dissappearance.She had just got dumped and got denied from her ideal school"the Police Officer said as he watched Alice mother cry loudly. And the Police did have a point; even as great as a Jinx was,she was denied and dumped on the exact day of her school dance. They assumed she still went,but after ten o' clock, they became worried of where about's. "Well thank you for informing us,we certainly apreciate it"her father said as he lead his wife to the red couch. "We'll see our way out....Sorry for your lost"the Police said as they walked out the house,shutting the door behind them. Alice slummped on the floor as she clung to her legs. "Alice,you can come out now"her father said. Alice stood up slowly and went near the red couch nervously;looking at her mother sadly. "How much did you hear?"her father asked as he crossed his arms. "All of it" "Well,dont pay attenton to it anymore.....I'll make you some tea"her mother said as she whipped her eye's and walked towards the kitchen. Alice wathed her mother leave and sat on the arm rest,"What are we gonna do dad" she asked,wathing her father streacth of tiredness. "I dont know,Alice....just wait for your coffee" I thought it was tea?,Alice thought as her father patted her head and left. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Alice sat on the couch, she started to notice how her living room looked,she had'nt actually been in there since Jinx was home. The walls were tan while the floor was carpeted and spotless,the couch's were red and had small covers on each arm rests.On the right side of the room was a shelf of pictures that were of the family and of special places that they visited. "It's been awhile has'nt it"her mother said as she handed her a hot cup of tea. "Only a year"Alice said as she felt the cup warm up her hands. "A very long year"her mother said as she sat on the other couch and looked around,"You know, Jinx would've been proud of you". "I know mom"Alice said as she tried to gulp down the tea quickly. "She always said she wanted to see you off to college...and prom...and your wedding" "Mom.."Alice warned. "I know,but .....it's a habbit"her mother said as tears began to roll down her eye's. "Well,you know,I've got school tomorrow"Alice said as she began to walk towards the steps. "I love you...Alice"her mother said as she struggled to speak. "Love you, too mom"Alice said, realizing that it had been a whole year since she said "I love you"
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