Holding On To Him They may not be perfect, but don't worry, you aren't either and the two of you never will be. But if he can make you laugh at least once and causes you to think twice. And he admits to being human and makes mistakes. Make sure you hold on to him and give the most you can. He might not #quote poetry to you and he might not be thinking about you all of the day, but he will give you a part of him that you can break. So don't hurt him, don't try and change him and don't expect more then he can give. Just smile when he makes you happy, yell at him when he makes you mad and miss him like crazy when his not there. Hold his hand way to tight and never let go, love is only a chapter in a guys #life, but if you truly love them, then in your eyes it's a whole book. So, value it, never lend it out and keep it safe, because you never know when you might need to read it again.
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David T Francis-Smith
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