The Hidden Cat My sister and I were going to the store on our bikes and we heard this cat meow. I looked at her and she looked as if she saw a ghost. We laughed and then we heard it again and ran into the house. I looked at my phone and it was this app's notifications. We died laughing!!!
The Story Of My #life I am a nobody I am worthless I am invisible I am loveless I have no #life I have no meaning I have no family I have no one to thank I met the people I disposed them I ignored them I had no interest in them I tried to love I tried to hate I thought they were the same I met a man I had a dry mouth I was lost in time I loved him I knew I needed him I knew I had to have him I knew I could get him I knew what to do I learned about him I learned to love him I learned I was loved by one I am somebody I am worth much I am all you see I am in love
Ours O) ours is the love U) unusual is the passion R) renewed is the #life S) special is the perfection
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Maria Chapski
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