Singeing Reminder #nightdwellers Warning-self injury and suicide references Memories long forgotten Locked away in my mind Barred behind walls A place where I can unwind Then you came along Knocking down my walls There's no hiding now So I sprint down the halls You reveal hidden scars And see all my pain Where I used to be alone Where only I could see it rain So I keep running I dive into my room I crawl into bed Which soon shall be my tomb I'm shaking too much And I can see my blade This is what I want I am not afraid One slash, two slash Three slash, four What's another cut? Why not more? The blood pours out Fire burns in my skin I don't want to feel it So I down a bottle of gin Five slash, six slash Seven slash, eight I've already begun So why wait? I open the bottle Hold the pills in my hand I've been ready for this I've had it all planned You burst in the door See the cuts on my wrist You see the pills in my hand And you tell me to resist You take my hand And place it in yours You tell me I can win I can win these wars In a sweet sense of peace I feel your lips on mine And I think to myself Will everything be fine? You kiss me everyday Causing so much confusion You think you make it better But it's partly an illusion Your lips have twist They taste like the past In a singeing reminder Of when I was an outcast
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