The Rusted Fence They put up a fence to protect us, And covered it with barbs, Electricity coarsed through the wiry mesh, And sheilded us from the stars, "The world out there is dangerous!", Is what they said to us, "It is full of laughs and smiles, And people you can trust", We stayed within the boundaries, For years and years on end, Content to work and pay for them, Careful never to offend, But then one morning early at dawn, One rebel overcame, Used chemicals and science, To rust the fence away, And out we went into the world, As the fence withered and died, Came face to face with our prison guards, And stared straight in their eyes, Their fiery hate peirced our souls, And burned a hole straight through, And we soon came to find out, That what they had said was true, The happiness and comfort, Caused us fear and strife, Because we had been trained to fear, What it is to be alive.