So this is my first post, work in progress, I'm hoping to find an app where i can get some nice feedback. There's a lot of italics in my original but you can't see them here sadly.
"Excuse me, where am I?"
"hm? Oh, yes. Nowhere." The old man turned away again.
"Nowhere? What do you mean? Everywhere is somewhere. Tell me, where are we?"
The old man turned around again. "Somewhere? You are mistaken, Somewhere is south of here. We are in Nowhere." once again he turned away.
She looked around. Something felt wrong about how the world looked. White around the edges. And unfamiliar every time she looked back. "This rain is dreadful." The man muttered.
"Rain? What rain?" She asked without turning.
"My rain, I should have stayed away from that boar. Nothing but trouble."
"Your rain? Boars? Mister I suggest you start making sense real soon." she said turning back to him. She stepped back. Invisible drops of water landed all over the man. Soon he was soaked. She couldn't help staring. How could she? Suddenly a bus drove up on the road she never noticed. Dark blue and double decked. It stopped next to the old man. The doors opened. And hesitating for only a second, she got on. She walked through the isle. She kept walking and walking. She counted to 100 before she found a free seat. Once she sat down, the people disappeared. She could still see them, but only in the very corner of her eye. Only where it hurt to look. She couldn’t remember what they looked like though. After a little waiting she looked up and saw someone walking on the second floor. He, at least, she assumed it was a he, was wearing
a long robe type garment, looking mostly like a rug made into clothes. Worn with age and covered with patterned colors. He wore a strange faded orange oval hat. Facing front the long way. The person wore a mask, white, covering only the eyes where there was wire. Black cloth covered the rest of his head. A long beak came out of the mask. Since she was under him, she could see under the beak. It looked much like dark skin, like the beak covered a real one. But how could that be possible?
"Anything is possible in a place like Nowhere." Said a deep voice. The thing sat down next her. She looked back where it was, and then back where it is.
"Anything is possible." It answered. It reached up a hand and tipped its hat. "It is a pleasure to meet you Violet."
"That is your name isn't it?"
"Um, yes. Yes of course. Violet. Who are you?"
"My name is Abilon Rhook. I am a traveler." "A traveler? Where are you going?"
It thought for a few moments. "Nowhere in particular." The bus made an abrupt stop. Slamming her into the bars separating the seats. She looked up at the front of the bus and saw Abilon getting off. "Not that we have a choice." he said, then he was gone. She sprinted to the front but the doors closed just as she reached them. She looked out and saw the old man and the traveler. Abilon shook the man's hand as he held an umbrella over him. Then he waved to her as the bus drove off. No problem she thought. All I must do is wait here and soon enough I'll be back to the old man. So she waited. And she waited. And she grew old. And she grew sick. And she died. Then she was back. Still waiting.
"You should have asked me about this bus before you waited all that time" Abilon said.
"Where were you?!" She shouted. "This bus must have stopped over a thousand times and no one was there!"
"Different busses take different routes." He said simply. "But this is the same bus!" She shouted.
"No Violet you are mistaken. Look around. Really look. That bus was blue and had two floors. This one is red and has only one."
"How?!" "Anything is"
"Don't say it!" She interrupted. She leaned back and sighed which really came out as more of a growl.
"Here eat this, you'll feel better." He held something out to her. "Don't worry it's chocolate."
"Chocolate? Chocolates suppose to make me feel better?"
"It's chocolate." He said like it explained everything.
"Fine." She sighed and took the chocolate. After a few small nibbles she couldn't exactly say she felt better but calmer really.
"So, since anyone could tell you're not exactly from here I assume you have some questions. Ask away." Abilon said calmly.
"Ok, questions. First, where am I?"
"This is Nowhere. Current population, unknown."
"Well it certainly can't be very many, I've only seen two people, yourself and the old man."
"What about the passengers on this bus?" He waved his hand behind himself. The bus lit up with music and laughter. Lights were hung in every color along the ceiling. There were people dancing and talking. The entire environment of the bus had changed. Then faded away.
"Who..Who were those people? How come I can't see them?" She asked.
"You can, but you already knew that. In the corner of your eye. Where it hurts to look." "But why is it that I can’t just see them."
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