"Hey, mum I'm going to the woods see if I can find Katniss" Shouted Gale
I was in my room, just playing, when I heard Gale shout I really wanted to go with him, I loved my brother dearly but I hadn't been spending much time with him at all, I knew this was the day to go with him.
"I want to come, pease Gale" I pleaded, putting on my cute eyes
"No, the place is crawling with peace keepers" Explained Gale
"Please, I never see you anymore and I really want to see Katniss" by now I was on my knees
"Ok...ok you can come but stay by my side and listen to what I tell you" said Gale sternly
"I will, I will, I promise" I said nodding my head in rhythm
Gale took me past district 12 and onto a muddy field, he lifted me over a high voltage fence, and into miles of long grass.
"Keep down, peace keepers are crawling everywhere even cameras it is the HG interviews remember" pointed out Gale as he looked around for any signs of cameras
"Ok, I promise"I reassured him
"Come on then"
Gale led me deep into the woods.
"This is where Katniss hunts, deers come here in the summer" Gale pointed to a tree stump and pulled out a bow and some arrows from inside a tree, "looks like she's not here today, we can't search anymore, they will find us"
"Ok let's go, I'm getting cold I forgot my shawl" I shivered
Gale led me out of the woods and back into the muddy field,
Suddenly cars raced through the field and I got my foot trapped in the tangled grass, Gale rapidly tried to get me out, I kept struggling and screaming for help, Gale was panicking the cars got closer until one of them hit me, I almost caught a glimpse of Peeta in the back of the car with A girl from another district.
Suddenly 10 armed peace keepers stepped out the van, and pulled out long leather things that looked like belts, one peacekeeper came over to Gale and kicked, punched and hit him until he wasn't awake, I gasped and cried, the peacekeeper only slapped me, he said it was to shut me up, Gale was pulled into the back of the Van, I tried to fight the peacekeepers but with my foot tangled In the long grass I could barley move, The vans drove away and I was left tangled in the field with two slap marks on my face, I called Katnisses name to see if she would come but there was no answer, I was left in the field for 2 days, until my brothers found me.
Since then nobody has seen my brother, Peeta or The other girl people said her name was Johanna, word has got about that Gale might be sentenced to death because of this, I am so scared because it might be my fault! He has already been whipped! Katniss and Prim have been told by Peeta to run, my mum and my other brothers have taken me to district 13 that's where I am now, we are all hidden away including Katniss and Prim.
Chloe Gallagher
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Chloe Gallagher
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