Patience There have been times within my #life When all I saw was black, And every conversation Seemed more like an attack. That the change that I was yearning for Would not ever be mine, That I was destined to remain Left at the starting line. My mind, it might be fragile But it isn't broken yet. I never ask for handouts I just take what I get. At times that hand that I've been dealt Is more high card than flush, But things sometimes work out the best When I refuse to rush. And so for now I'll ride the wave And see how things unfold, And one day when the time is right I know I'll break the mould. So watch this space, one day you'll see That things work out alright, No matter how dark #life my seem There's always signs of light. And when the pieces fall to place You'll wonder why you frowned As all it takes it patience For it all to turn around.