Love' There are so many #poems that talk about 'love', Sonnets, verses, they can't get enough. Roses may be red and violets blue, But what does it mean to say "I love you"? A box of chocolates may be ever so sweet, But what about the feelings when you meet Him. Or Her. When you know they're 'the one', And no I'm not talking about your first Pokemon. Hugs and kisses are good for the soul, Many believe they're what makes them whole. But surely there's more to love than first meets the eye? Yes, clichés can be good, but I want to know why. Why is it that roses are the flower to give? If you love them, you marry, why is that how they live? I don't understand why you must go on a date? If you love them, accept it, perhaps it is fate. I may be ignorant, or just not quite sure, How this 'love' ever seen as a bore? It's confusing and strange and rather quite weird, Like a dancing llama with a turquoise beard. #anti-climax