The Sexy Boy There was a boy, who lived on a boy but he was not poor he was just an outcast, and he wasn't an outcast because he was odd or "weird" it was because he was just so ... Sexy. Yep that's right he was so sexy that he was rejected from society as all in the land were jealous of his sexy looks, I suppose in a way he was sort of like snow white, the queen gets sad as she isn't the "fairest of them all" and attempts to rid of snow white who was eventually fine, and so was the boy, he joined a rat parade, and danced in a freak show known as, "the sexy boy", now this was written a long time ago and since then the sexy boy ran away, he became a hobo and a man ate his face after eating bath salts ... Funny joe things change moral of the story? Sh*t happens
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