Stella's Story Stella was the lead singer of the NYFG band. She was born and raised in a tall flat with lot's of people living in it. But her city was busy and she was used to it. NYC is where it was. That's why her band was New York Fine Gals (NYFG) She lived there for 18 years, as you may remember she was born there, so that means she was 18. Anyway, it was her last adventure before collage started, as her other band members Martha and Jade were also born in NY. Anyway onto her story!! One day there lived a girl called Stella. Yeah, that's me! On the first day of the last week of summer before college, Me and my band were sat backstage in the concert getting ready for our massive gig. Only, we were bored out of our minds! 'Ok, I'm bored. When are we going on stage?' Jade asked. 'I dunno! Some time in a couple hours!' I answered. 'Yeah, but guys we need to get our outfits on soon otherwise we'll be on and not even ready!' said Martha. So we got our shimmering designer outfits on and sat back down. But I noticed something in the magazine I was reading... 'OMG we're in this magazine!' 'Wait, let me see that!' Jade exclaimed running towards me. 'Aw look, it's a photo of us when we were all 6 years old huddling up together as BFFs, isn't that cute?' I mumbled. 'Pass that to me!' Jade squealed. So I did. She quickly read the paragraph then glanced at the photo. 'Yeah that's nice. Very sweet.' She added. 'Hey, which magazine is it?' Martha asked. 'Oh my god it's the OK! Mag! And The Times commented and said, " These girls are true BFFLs!"' 'OH MY GOSH THAT IS AMAZING!!!! I have got to tell my parents! They'll Literally BLOW UP!!!' Martha Screamed. Mrs Claws called us on. So we ran in one by one giggling. We sang "The Harold Song" by Ke$ha. The crowd cheered so loud it blew me over! LOL!!! Look out for part 2!
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