Why Can't I Talk To My Dad? I'm 24 years old, turning 25 this year, and my relationship with my dad is none existent. I wish I could give you a point in my #life where this whole thing with my dad started, but I have felt for a long time this issue has been around, for as long as I can remember. Me and my dad don't talk (or as he would put it, I don't talk to him), which i guess is true as well. Regardless, we don't have general conversations about anything, and when we do it doesn't feel natural. Almost forced but I have to say something to him. Our conversations start in the same way, we won't really talk about anything really for about a couple weeks, maybe a month. Then one day when I come home from work and he will just start having a rant about me not taking to him and not treating him like a father. The truth is i would like to speak to my dad about things like how his day has been and what his been up to. But he doesn't work, and very rarely goes anywhere. And if he does go anywhere it's to the shop and back. So there's nothing to really talk about if you get what I mean. He without fail makes me feel worse then I already do, like I done the world of wrong, and couldn't be further away from what I want. Don't remember the last nice he said to me or something I had done right in his eyes. But I could quite easily write a list of the things he thinks I've done wrong. Today was the last straw, breaking point, why I write this now. His literally burst into my room after I had finished work and just started shouting in my face because he thought I was ignoring him. Which I wasn't, I was asleep. He then summed my issue with not talking to him as psychological, and I should seek professional help for it. But I don't have a problem talking to other people. Like me and my mom are totally fine, friends are fine, it's just him. And only him I have this issue with. I don't mean to make my dad sound like a bad person but generally speaking his not. I do love him very much, I may not partially like the things he says or does sometimes but I do love him like any child would. It's just got the point now where I'm just so done with this. I working on moving out just so I can get away from home, wake up in the morning and know that there isn't a chance I'll be made to feel like the worst person in the world that day. I've tried talking to him but the conversations are pointless. If I try and defend myself or bring up a point, I'm being rude and should shut up, and whenever I'm silent he gets angry and tells me to open my mouth. I just can't win and I fucking hate it, sorry for swearing. So I at this point now don't know what to do. If anyone has a similar situation or can relate to this one, please share your thoughts on what I could do or how you managed to overcome this. I'm not expecting a right answer, I just need other people's views on the matter other than my own. Thank you again for taking the time to read this, and any help would be gratefully appreciated. #Advice #father #son #emotinal #NathanStathan #help #blog #2015
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