Unexpected I was not looking but I found you, Caught off guard and surprised. Time out from everyone is what I thought I needed. Time in with the right person was the reality. Hooked and caught now, it's terrifying. Not what I was looking for but it is too late to leave.
Hello World Hello, I don't like to over-think stuff, I leave that for my brain to do while I am asleep! I chuck stuff together on here and have a horrible tendency to want to rhyme everything! I am sorry for that, but that is how my muse spits it out. Maybe I should edit more, or write it down before posting but it's not my way. Like it, comment on it or walk away. I am just wobbling through #life same as anyone else xx
Family Motto Fuck it, when it all goes wrong, Fuck it, who really likes this song. Fuck it, I will have one more drink... Fuck it, why do I bother to think. Fuck it is the family motto, The way we live, the bringer of all our sorrow. But fuck it, was how we were raised. So FUCK IT till the end of our days!