Post 3 Wow. Okay. 2 more days. Just 2 more days of school. Wow. Okay! Remember my goal???? One hundred words? Bumping it up to one hundred fifty words. So yeah. So yeah. I don't like sports. Even if I did my parents are to protective to let me play any. Oh! My fave movie(s). Wreck it Ralph and Rise of the Guardians. 2 awesome movies!! Comment your fave anything and you will be in my next post! I wish I was popular. I know every one but they don't know me.
Post 2 Sorry. My first post was under the wrong category. So sorry about that. Okay back to subject. School only 3 days left. Thank god!!! Then a nice long break from seeing Kyle. So next year. Should I push into the popular (but super nice to every one) kids. Or just be like a back up friend. I don't know. Please comment to help me. Or to tell me what I can do to improve my posts. I hope to have followers soon! Please help me achieve that goal. If you read, comment. Wow looks like we're done. Bye!
Post 1 Hi! This is my first book so if it's not good cut me some slack. P.S it's like a blog. Hi again! So in school I have a crush. And he hates me. But I still love him what should I do??? Oh yeah! My goal for each of my little stories is to have 100 words. Setting it low for now. How should I deal with my crush!!! He tried to crush my heart. Oh well. I've tried everything but he's still in my head. I just want to cry. Girls really help me!
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