Uncontrollable. Time, the greatest healer seems to leave the deepest scar. With you by my side it healed the greatest pain. Just when you left time made them deeper and deeper. Love, the dearest friend seems to like the pain you feel. When I met you, you where my dearest friend. Then the pain of your goodbye made it unbearable. Revenge, the winners feeling seems to cost the most. A winner that I was when I had won. The cost that was to much to pay. But still I wasn't pleased after all the lost Time made me feel, after all the pain Love had given me and after all the cost I payed for my Revenge. I still wasn't happy 'cause all I wanted was you. #thebeginningline , @leelee101 , #nightdwellers , @sjw , @yikici , @RichWithey. Bye, bye!