Mirror Mirror Mirror mirror on the wall Who is fairest of them all? Not you my dear, your faculties too meek Go and find the answer you seek Alast I cannot do to be done Just be yourself and have some fun
read more...Mirror Mirror Mirror mirror on the wall Who is fairest of them all? Not you my dear, your faculties too meek Go and find the answer you seek Alast I cannot do to be done Just be yourself and have some fun
read more...Snow Doubt Snow doubt its here Foggy winter months and frost that bites your fingers A pretty picture A wonder land scene Your breath a steamy substance Your nose wrinkled and red A tissue makes it worse You feel like staying in bed The cold snap has hit us Stabbed us in the back Hard times ahead in Britain Please cut us some slack?
read more...Self Infliction Your skin is not paper, so dont cut it... Your #life is not a book, so dont end it...
Rumers Rumers spread like wildfire Part of the bullcrap production Spread any rumers about me They'll come right back to from a cannon They pop out of the motormouths And everyone believes Thats how rumers spread It's like an infectious disease