The Miserable Music Industry The music industry in our current day and age is appalling. It seems as though artists write music from their wallets as oppose to their hearts. I mean, come on! What is Flo-Rida's lyrical influence for example? He obviously writes a song to appeal to listeners for the money. To me, a true artist writes meaningful music from their hearts and it's the listeners who associate with them - NOT the other way around! Right now, if you've bothered to read this, you're probably wondering what music exactly I'm talking about... To be honest, I'm talking about the majority of the Top 40. I mean, yes, love them or hate them, you have to credit artists like Adele and Eminem for writing about personal things and meaningful things, but other artists like Niki Minaj and Lil'Wayne can't write good music to save their lives! To me, uninspired lyrics just ruin a song no matter how good the song is. However, of a song has inspired lyrics - like many You Me At Six and My Chemical Romance songs for example - the song is instantly amazing to me. Even rap has taken a fall recently - all rappers seem to sing about now is sex, girls, and drugs... In comparison to Tupac singing about racism and equality, these topics seem a little meaningless. To conclude my little rant, as of late, the 'pop' music industry has gone down the toilet so to say. A combination of soulless songs and cash crazed artists has caused the level of music being produced to plummet to a pathetic standard. Don't despair however, there are still pockets of gold out there in the rock&alternative scene (All subgenres included)! It would take too long and bore you all to death to list off all of these artists, but just find music which really has meaning and is made for the right reasons - only then can we begin to bring about change in the industry.
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