Pandora Lovegood's Journey One evening on the thirty first day of July a girl named Pandora Lovegood sat in the grass gassing up at the sky as it set into night. She loved being by herself feeding her animals and watering her dirigible plums. She looked down and saw that a baby Thestral was looking for some food. (Thestrals are blackish horses with wings, most people avoid them because they are said to be 'unlucky' because they can only be seen by people who have seen death.) "Unlucky" says Pandora, "how could you be unlucky." And with that she took out of her bag a handful of raw meat and tossed it on the ground in front of the baby Thestral it dived for it and in a few seconds it was gone. The next morning there was a sharp rap-tap-tap on her window Pandora woke up with a start, she had been dreaming that her owl from Hogwarts (which is the most common wizarding school anywhere near where she lived.) would come and when she looked it seemed like half of her dream had come true until she saw the envelope! There was an owl tapping on her window she jumped out of bed and rushed to the window and quickly unlatched it and let the bird into her bedroom which was full of all sorts of stuff from a baby Thestral that had come in, in the middle of the night, and was now sleeping on her bed, to a pot growing dirigible plums, to a pair of glasses called Spectrespecs which were large, colorful spectacles which make wrackspurts, (invisible creatures that floats through one's ears causing their brain to go fuzzy), visible to wizards who where them. She untied the letter and broke the seal on the letter and read: HOGWARTS SCHOOL of WITCHCRAFT and WIZARDRY Headmaster: Hermione Granger (Order of Merlin, First class, Grand Scorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International confed. of Wizards) Dear Ms. Lovegood, We are pleased to inform you that you have been excepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find inclosed list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl no later than July 31. Yours sincerely, Neville Longbotton, Deputy Headmaster "Dad?" She thought as she looked at that last two names, she knew that he had attended Hogwarts but she didn't know that he was the deputy head. She rushed to her desk and pulled out a quill, an ink bottle, and a pice of old parchment, then she wrote: Dear Dad, I never knew that you worked at Hogwarts but what do you think, of course I will go to school! I can't wait! Love from, your Pan Then she carefully rolled up the parchment and tied it to the owl's leg and it flew away. In no time at all it felt like it was time to get to platform 9 3/4. When her mom came into her room Pandora was saying goodbye to her baby Thestral. "It's time to go" said her mom, "It's all the way in London how will we get there in time?" Asked Pandora, "We apparate" replied he mother, "Ok" said Pan, "Let's go" And so they did. When they got there her mother said, "now take you ticket and dad will meet you at the platform." "Good luck and watch out for the Nargles" and she dissaparated. Pan knew what she must do. She would walk straight at the platform between platforms 9 and 10 and she would be on platform 9 3/4. But when she walked through there was a guard blocking her way and he said, "where are you going young lady?" "I am going to platform 9 3/4" she said, "But you must answer my riddle before you can pass" the guard said She was always good at riddles so she said, "ok, ask me your riddle" So he did and this is what he said, "this is my riddle to you: First think of a Person who lives in disguise,( at this Pan thought 'spy') Who deals in secrets and tells naughty lies. Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend,('d') The middle of middle('e') and end of the end('r')? And finally give me the sound often heard During the search of a hard to find word, Now string them together and answer me this, What creature would you be unwilling to kiss? As the guard ended the riddle Pan thought 'spider' And said to the guard, "the answer is spider." "Very good!" Said the guard with a wink and a nod "the answer will be the same every year you come through the barrier." And he turned away and Pan walked through the barrier to meet meet her father on platform 9 3/4. She was on the train to Hogwarts now, and she was in an empty compartment near the back of the train, when a girl opened the compartment door. Her bright red hair grew down to her shoulders. The girl looked around the compartment, noticed Pandora and said, "do you mind, all the other compartments are full," "Sure," said Pan, The girl sat down opposite Pan, then she spoke again, "my name's Rose, Rose Weasley. Who are you?" "My name is Pandora Lovegood." Said Pan "Nice to meet you" said Rose, "My parents talk about their school days at Hogwarts, are you anyhow related to Luna Lovegood?" "Yes" said Pan, "that's my mom." There was a clattering outside the compartment and a lady slid open the compartment and said, "anything from the trolly dears?" "No thank you" said Pan, "Sure" said Rose, looking at Pan "are you sure?" she said "I'll get you something to eat, you must be hungry." And she walked out to the trolly. A second later Rose came back into the compartment with arms full of chocolate frogs and cauldron cakes. "Help yourself" she said, "I have been saving up for this ever sense I got the letter. What do you like to eat when it comes to wizard candy and sweets?" "Well to tell you the truth I haven't had much experience with wizard food." Said Pan "Then I will teach you" said Rose "First you should try some chocolate frogs, and don't be surprised at what you find inside, it's only a spell" so Pan opened one of the chocolate frogs and found, with much surprise what looked like a frog covered in chocolate. In her surprise she dropped the frog and it hopped onto Pan's trunk but was not quick enough to escape Rose's quick hands who grabbed it and handed it back to Pan and said, "It's the card you want look" she said taking the wrapper and pulling out a card and handed it to Pan, it had a picture of a woman and underneath the picture were the words Hermione Granger Currently headmaster of Hogwarts Considered one of the wisest witches known to modern times, Hermione Granger particularly famous for her friendship of Harry Potter who conquered He Who Must Not Be Named (otherwise known as Voldemort). Hermione Granger enjoys transfiguration and charms and dislikes divination. Pan looked up from the card and said, "so that's what Hermione Granger looks like. You have been really nice to me ever sense I first met you would you like to be friends with me?" "Sure" said Rose. All of a sudden from the front of the train came a crashing sound. They both got up and moved toward the compartment door, slid it open and looked out.There seemed to be someone entering the train and by the shouting of the train driver they were unwelcome. Pan and surprisingly so did Rose walked toward the the footsteps in the corridor and came face to face with a grownup wizard and a grown up witch. Pan and Rose raised their new wands pointing at the wizard and witch the wizard was tall and had black hair and the girl had long, curly, black messy hair. "Let's do this" said the curly haired girl, "We can do it" said Rose, "Ok" said Pan "Do you know any spells?" Asked Rose, "Yes, let's try confringo" said Pan, "You take the girl and I'll take the boy" said Rose. They both pointed their wands at their enemies and yelled "confringo!!" and the wizard's and witch's clothes and hair caught on fire "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They yelled and ran out of the train. There was silence and then everyone in the train started cheering! Pan and Rose had just saved... Well let's just say a whole lot of people's lives.
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