The Innocent #life...
My eyes open, taking in the world around. The chattering mouths, staring eyes, smiles. Caring faces, loving arms... Some have long hair, others short but they all are taller than me. Looming above me, friendly giants. They make funny noises, high pitched squeaks, should I be afraid? But there is nothing to fear, love is all around me. Twinkling eyes, grins, smirks, laughs, shrieks of joy and all with long reaching arms, wiggling their fingers on my soft skin it makes me laugh which makes them smile, sadness is not an experience I have met, the only way is happy. I may have 4 railing walls surrounding me, but they keep me safe, cocooned in a cushiony, warm, bundle. My mouth opens in a large yawn, my eyes as heavy as lead, the busy clutter is fading... Goodbye, world, hello the world of dreams...
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