The Day The Superheroes Quit One weekend In San Francisco, CA, Superheroes pressed 'send' Emailing...... "Enough for the day! I'm getting old. I'm 87! And not so bold." Batman warned. Wonder Woman complained, "My weight has gained!" Superman said, "I'm practically dead!" Hulk screamed, "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEM!!!" Which is probably in the dictionary, On the contrary. "We need a refund!" "I'm hunched on a cane!" "My gun isn't gunned!" "Hey, don't call me insane!" It was true. The supers were too old. They were like puppies at the zoo With a really bad cold. Humankind needed a hero And needed one quick. They were lowered to zero They needed someone slick. But who? (Just for fun, why don't you come up with a crazy superhero name and give its powers? Then draw a sketch or something.)
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