Think Before Doing Things Chapter 2 Knowing that if I would go home I would be questioned what had gone on and if I told my parents they would go mental with me and I probably be kick me out of the house and I was hidden in a snicket so nobody could see me and the I saw a police car drive past with it's siren on and I watched it go past and it parked where the rape happend I could not believe what ha just happened and hoe I could have trusted him anyway but I had no where to go I called my nan to see if she would let me stay over at hers for the night but he was walking through the other end of the snicket still on the phone to my nan I started running as fast as I could to get away from him I jumped over a gate leading to a factory I hid in a garage and waited till he went past but I did nit want to leave from where I was so I camped out there for the night but I suddenly heard someone jumping over the gate ..... Chapter 3 comeing on the 4th august
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