Lol Lol! Okay you got me! Yeah it's the one and only AG! I only came back to prove a point, Not so your nose can get out of joint. You know what your crazy, I'm not sure why your words phase me. Search the web for my stuff? Fuck off I've had enough! This place was meant to be somewhere to express, But all you do is mock and jest. 400 posts every one fake? Shut up I made a mistake. And this time around you were ever so set, Searching every word and line I bet. Funny I'm distinctive? I'll take the compliment you give me! But really my posts aren't fake, Didn't I rectify my mistake? Not that I knew, So fuck all of you! Hidden behind glass You can kiss my ass! Only one asked me straight? I didn't lie, I just never answered straight when asked why. Seriously a line or two? Say what you want you don't have a clue! My brains a blobby mess, I don't need this fucking stress! I just wanted some where to write, But no! Everything's a fucking fight! Are your words your own? Then how did you learn? Fuck you haters I know you burn! They see me writing the hating... Oops better copyright that or it's faking. Lol! You just take the piss! Think your the thing I miss? Bitch please! Bring you to your knees! What because I remember stupid things? Then in my poetry it blings? Tell me straight I'll fix it, But right now I'll blitz it! I thought I'd copy you with your pretend goodbye, I hope you all fucking rot and die! I made it to the top on my own, Regardless of the shit you've blown! Seriously all grown ass people? Think your all holy upon your steeple? Seriously your calling me a liar? Damned I'll burn in hell's explosive fire? This time I'll do as you ask, Because I really can't be assed. When I say something I mean it, I'm not the one full up with shit. Huff and puff? Blow me away? Just google my stuff, And go the the fuck away. This time gone for real, Because I don't see what's the big deal. Just wanted to write, Bitch don't bite! Fun while it lasted, The sell by now past it. You saw you found. Cya the fuck around. To the people without pitchforks, Thanks for enjoying my works. I know soon they'll change your mind But fuck it don't have time. Lol lol lol Laugh out loud I'm not the one chasing you around. Go on google this! You all take the fucking piss!
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حذف التعليق
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