Breaking Resolutions
This new year of 2014,
I aspire to be a brand new me,
And I say this every year,
Trying to make a change for the better.
Giving up halfway through, I don't have the strength.
Start again later on, there is always time.
Lying to myself so I don't feel I've missed my chance.
I'm going to take the leap and risk the chance
Of becoming a stranger to me.
I've run out of excuses, I've run out of time,
It all begins this year
I will be a model of strength
For myself, and I will work to be better.
There will be no more waiting, I better
Get moving, before my chances
Slim, I have saved up enough strength
By just waiting for good things to come to me.
Too long I hid away, wasting my few years.
It is my turn to make use of my time.
I will no longer spend my time
Holding back my better
Words, releasing the stress from the closed up years.
I will be who I want to be, chances
Are they won't love it, but I will be me
Just he same, they will see my hidden strength.
I want to believe I have the strength
To power through without a doubt, it will take effort, times
Will darken and they will be relit and I will stand as me.
No more worries about what they think is better.
I will do as I please then there will be a chance
That I will succeed in the coming year.
I am breaking down the wall I built over the years,
I am regaining lost strength,
Fighting for my fair chance
To prove I haven't wasted my time.
I am creating a better
#life for myself, in which I am free to be me.
I am the me I've wanted, it has taken too many years.
I am getting better, I have found new strength.
Why have I waited all this time to take this simple chance?
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