Kik: nobody_home_
Lilly So I got this guinea pig and I named her Lilly and she is so beautiful and adorable!!! I'll have her as my profile picture for a little while so you can see her! But she is so adorable and I love her so much!
Please children... If you have nothing nice to say behind my back Then say it to my face.
I wish I could take back everything I said to you...
Hey, remember when you used to be nice to me? I miss that...
Weet je zeker dat je wilt ontvrienden?
Weet u zeker dat u dit lid van uw familie wilt verwijderen?
Je hebt geplooid Iliveforyou
Nieuw lid is succesvol toegevoegd aan je familielijst!
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U heeft uw limiet van vrienden bereikt!
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