Skaters and Haters-Chapter 25 The key was old and rusty, so it took all of my strength to turn it. We all heaved the heavy door open, to find bones! Skeletons even! "Oh my Fucking God..." Cried Kay. "What the hell--" Jonny started. I shook my head. I couldn't believe this. Why would those snipers want us to find this? Then I noticed the labels. I slowly stepped inside the room. "Red, what the Hell are you doing?!" Kay hissed, not following me in. I picked up one of the labels, it had a name, date, and location written on them. Of course! Those snipers wanted to set them up! I explained this to Kay and Jonny, and they looked baffled. "But, their dead.... Right?" Jonny asked, puzzled. "Yes. And we need to put their bodies in here." I said, pointing to the door. It didn't really make much sense to me either, but I guess the men that the snipers were after have been killing people, and storing the bodies. We had just had a near-death experience. We needed to go home. We all helped drag the bodies into the room, and locked the door. I decided to keep ahold of the key, until I could get rid of it properly. I looked upstairs for the snipers, but they were nowhere to be seen. So we headed home, as we were all rather shaken up. About fifteen minuets of being home, there was a knock on the door. We all froze. "Stay here." I hissed. I slowly opened the door, and there stood three of the snipers! They wore long black leather coats. They looked like Matrix tribute acts. I couldn't see their faces, as they all wore balaclavas and black aviators. "May we come in?" One of the men asked, politely. I said nothing, and simply stepped out of the doorway. "I think you better put the kettle on." Said another one of the men. His voice sounded deep and British. I frowned, and wandered into the kitchen, where Kay and Jonny were waiting for me. "Well?" Kay asked. I shook my head. "You gotta come see this for yourselves..." I sighed. We all walked into the living room, and gasped. The men had taken there there glasses and balaclavas off. And in those valuable seconds, we knew who those men were.
Skaters and Haters-Chapter 24 As we were walking along the pier. I saw him there. Robbie. He was standing there, next to the Scoop. I stopped walking, and stared. "Red? What's up babe?" Kay asked, looking in my direction. I snapped out of the trance, and Robbie disappeared. "Nothing..." A FEW DAYS LATER... I awoke on the couch, to find that Kay was not there. I frowned, and padded into the kitchen. Nothing. Into Jonny's room. Nothing. Hmmm, it was way to early to go out. I put my dressing gown on, and wandered down the stairs. Then I saw it. Across the street, Jonny and Kay were being dragged into a black Range Rover, with black tinted windows. No! Not again! I had risked my #life for Jonny alone, and I could do it for Kay too. I grabbed my skateboard, and headed after the Range Rover. I knew that they saw me, because they kept taking extremely sharp turns, and running red lights. I couldn't lose them, not now. The Range Rover pulled into a huge warehouse. This brought back memories. I was hesitant to enter, but I did. "I'm here now. Let them go!" I yelled, walking through the doors. There were beefy men pointing guns to my head. This was defiantly dè ja vu. Then I noticed the key around the mans neck. I remembered that it was the one that they had been talking about the day they ransacked the flat. Then I saw it. A large brown door. It had the words "DANGER" and "DO NOT ENTER" sprawled all over it. Then I noticed a man on the upper level of the warehouse; he had a sniper rifle, and was aiming it at the bosses head. He winked at me, and nodded towards another man across the upper platform. Then another. Then another. I knew what to do now. "Ok, you got me... SHOOT!" I yelled, signalling for the amulets to shoot, and they did. It was like watching a firework show. Bullets flew, as did sparks and bullets. After about ten seconds, all the men were dead. I looked up at the snipers, but they were gone. Kay and Jonny ran up to me and hugged me. "What the fucking-heck just happened?" Cried Jonny. I shook my head. "I... I don't know..." I lied. Without saying another word to Kay or Jonny, I bent down and took the key from the boss. He had a bullet-shaped hole in his forehead, which was... Lovely. I clutched the key, and walked over to the door...
30 At The Most Hello! If you are a fan of my Skaters and Haters series, then I just wanted to let you know, that the series will probably be over by Chapter 30. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I know what you're thinking: "MY LIFE IS OVER NO MORE SaH!!!!" Well, not quite. I have already stared work on a new SciFi/Action/Adventure series! So don't fret! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I am also about to type up Chapter 24 of SaH....... So yeah!!
Saints Row: The Third-Game Review Hello and welcome to yet another review! Today I am going to be reviewing Saints Row: The Third! So let's get started! ===================== The Saints Row franchise has not always been successful. SR1 was deemed as "A GTA copycat!" which, at the time, many people thought it was. Then, years later, SR2 was released, and was a huge success! And now that Saints Row: The Third is here, it is back, and bigger than ever! ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( The Saints are household names in the city of Stillwater, the city is full of people who want to be just like their favourite purple gang. The Saints have their own clothing line, cars and even an energy drink, Saints Flow! But when a bank heist goes terribly wrong, The Third Street Saints are met face to face with a whole host of rival gangs, in the brand new city, Steelport. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) The characters in the game are extremely loveable and humours. But the games biggest downfall, was the glitches. There are plenty of glitches and bugs. Some of them are minimal, and barley noticeable, but some are game-changing! I've had to restart quite a few missions, because the NPCs wouldn't cooperate. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The graphics are allot better than I thought they were going to be, the lighting is really nice, but the facial expressions are not as good. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The voice acting was by far, one of the best I've heard in a game for a while. Also, the music used in the game was genius! I also really enjoyed playing some of the activities that I'd played in SR2. [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ The most disappointing part, though, was the length of the game. Its just so short! Even the DLC packs were only 4 or 5 missions long! ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] The best part of this game, and what made it what it is, is the amount of detail in the customisation options! You can make your character be anything you want them to be, a male hooker, a female version of Neo from The Matrix. Anything is possible! Another really funny part of customisation is the "Sex Appeal" slider, I won't tell you what it does, as you can probably work it out for yourself! ===================== I defiantly recommend that you buy SRTT, but you will finish it very quickly. I rate it a 9/10. I really enjoyed playing this game, and messing about in the world, but I deducted a point, simply because of the glitches and the length of the game. What would you rate it???
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âFiona Bruceâ
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âFiona Bruceâ
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