The Unloved Boy - Chapter 5
Sorry that it never appeared before, remind me to never use an emoticon again! Anyway, here it is.
No matter how much I toss and turn, my body refuses to let me go to sleep. Flashes of the reaping, my father, and even the girl from District 1 fly through my mind. I wriggle against the soft satin of the bed sheets as I try to lie comfortably.
After a few hours, I realise it is hopeless. What I really want is some fresh air. So I go out into the corridor and ask a Capitol attendant where I can get some.
"Take the elevator to the twelfth floor, and then take some stairs up to the roof." he answers in a robotic way.
"Thank you." I nod to him.
"You're welcome, sir."
As I walk towards the lift at the end of the corridor, I'm overwhelmed by the manners of the Capitol attendants. I can't remember the last time I was called 'sir'.
The elevator takes me up to the twelfth floor quickly. From there, I find the stairs that the attendant mentioned. The stairs lead to a domed room with a door to the outside.
As I step out into the cool night air, I suddenly become very aware that I'm only wearing shorts. The breeze doesn't help. I walk over to a railing at the edge of the roof.
The street below is surprisingly busy, considering it is the middle of the night. The lights of the city shine bright as ever. Several residents stumble out of pubs or nightclubs, laughing and cheering. Cars still bustle past. The Capitol never sleeps.
I breathe in the fresh air. The noise of the city has a calming effect on me. For a moment, I forget all of my worries. Until I hear the voice from behind me.
"Aren't you cold?"
I spin round at the sound. It came from a boy the same age as me, lounging on the edge of a flowerbed. Even in the shadows, I can see he's very handsome, which leads me to think he's from District 4. As he emerges into better light, I can see he has spiky brown hair. He's slightly taller than me, with an athletic build. He's wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt, which again makes me feel very self-conscious of my lack of clothing.
"Not really." I shrug, even though I have to stop my teeth from chattering.
"Stellan." the boy offers his hand to me.
"Jago." I smile, accepting his hand.
"So what brings you up here, Jago?"
"Couldn't sleep. How about you?" I reply.
"The view." Stellan grins, turning back to the railing and looking out at the city. "Isn't it amazing?"
"It is." I agree, looking over at a particularly rowdy building. "It's a lot more exciting than District 7."
"At least you have trees! In District 4, there's only water, water and water."
"So, what skills are you hoping to bring to the arena?" I laughed.
"I'm best with my trident, of course. But I can be pretty handy with knots. What about you?"
"My muscles, of course." I chuckled, flexing my biceps. "Nah, I'm pretty good with an axe."
We stand in silence for a while, admiring the view of the Capitol.
"So, do you want to, like, hang out tomorrow?" I ask him nervously. Allies are always a good idea in the arena, and so far, Stellan is the closest I have to one. The Training Days are the perfect excuse for us to bond.
"Oh, well I'd like to, but y'know..." Stellan mumbles, looking down at the ground.
And then I remember. Stellan is from District 4. He is a Career. He doesn't have to join the Careers, of course, but he could fit in perfectly.
"It's fine, honestly." I laugh it off.
From then on, it's pretty awkward, and we barely talk. I can tell I've ruined Stellan's midnight wandering, and he leaves soon after with a glum farewell. I've also ruined my night, so I take the elevator after him down to the seventh floor, where I fall straight asleep.
I wake up the next day with a banging at the door.
"Wake up! Breakfast is being served!" Finbar chirps.
As I groan and roll over on to my front, I remember my escapade last night. I'm not sure if I can trust Stellan, because he's from District 4. He's supposed to be a Career. But he doesn't seem like a Career. In some Hunger Games, people from District 1, 2 and 4 run away from the Careers, go solo. But that usually means that they are especially hunted by the remaining Careers.
I don't pay attention to what I clothe myself in, because I know Adira will change me into something more suitable for Training Day. For three days, we are able to train in the Training Centre. There, we are able to improve and learn fighting and surviving skills. At the end of the third Training Day, each of the Tributes will be given a fifteen minute private session with the Gamemakers. They will then give us a mark out of twelve, which will help the sponsors to decide who to give their money to.
When I get breakfast, Lilibeth, Finbar and Crispin are already eating at the table.
"You're late, Jado." said Finbar coldly. "If you want to win the Hunger Games, you're going to have to learn how to be on time."
I ignore him, because I know my time-keeping skills won't help me survive.
We all eat breakfast in silence. Just as Finbar is away to take us down the elevator, Crispin leads me away by the shoulder.
"What's your best skill?" he asks me as he turns to face me.
"Axes." I answer simply, remembering my conversation with Stellan the night before. Crispin nods, frowning.
"Do not even touch an axe. You hear me?" he says fiercely.
"I guess. But why?"
"We don't want anyone else to see what you can do." he smiles. "Take my advice; learn some things you don't know. Okay?"
I nod, and he lets me take the elevator down below ground level.
I have to admit, Finbar is a very good escort. He gets Lilibeth and I to Training fifteen minutes early, and we are one of the only people there. Stellan is there with the girl from District 4. He smiles at me, before the girl catches him and glares at him.
When everyone has joined the circle of Tributes, Atala, the head trainer, gives us a short explanation of what will happen here. There will be various stations set up around the hall with experts to help us. After her speech, Atala lets us free.
Lilibeth immediately shoots off towards the edible plants station. I revolve on the spot, trying to decide which station to try out first. The axe station is very tantalising, but I stay true to my word. Instead, I head over to the shelter station to learn some basic skills, since it's not an area I'm particularly familiar with.
The gymnasium is huge, filled with weapons, weights and obstacles. Most of the Tributes have already spread out to stations, some more experienced than others. The Tributes from District 1, 2 and 4 have already assembled at the spear station. The male from District 1 seems to be the alpha male, and is directing the rest of the group. The pair from District 2 and the girl from District 4 listen intently, nodding at times. Stellan is at the edge of the group, and doesn't appear to be listening. He looks very uncomfortable, and is looking longingly at the trident station.
Then I realise someone is missing from the Careers. It's the girl from District 1. It takes me a while to locate her. When I do, I see she is painting dreamily at the camouflage station. She's not even painting on herself, but a blank canvas propped up in front of her.
I am jerked back to reality when the trainer at the shelter station asks me if I need any help. When I nod, he begins to demonstrate different kinds of shelters and how to make them. By lunchtime, I have the hang of things.
At lunch, I sit by myself in the dining room off the gymnasium. Lilibeth sits near the pair from District 10. The Careers have already bagged the biggest table, and no-one dares question it. Again, the girl from District 1 is missing. They seem to be having a rather heated conversation, and it all seems to be aimed at Stellan. After a while, he storms over to my table.
"Mind if I sit here?" he asks me without looking at me.
"Take a seat." I tell him, and he slams his tray down on the table angrily. He doesn't speak to me, but I already have a fair idea of what's going on.
After many exchanged whispers over at the Careers' table, the boy from District 1 swaggers over. If I could even call him a boy. He sends a frustrated look to Stellan.
"Jago, right?" he smiles, holding out his hand. I ignore his hovering hand.
"That's me." I reply stiffly, turning back to my food.
"We were wondering if you would like to join us for lunch." he grins, pointing to the rest of the Careers, who aren't even bothering to pretend they aren't looking.
Being invited to sit with the Careers is like code word for being asked to join them in the arena. I look at the table of Careers, who all look smug. I look at the boy who came over, who is glaring at Stellan. I look at Stellan, who is frozen, his face hard.
"No thanks," I turn back to the boy, "I like to go solo."
The boy stiffens, as do the rest of the Careers. They are taken aback. No one resists the Careers. And I just did. Stellan looks up, a smile playing on his lips.
"You'll regret this." the boy turns nasty, cracking his knuckles menacingly.
"I'm sure I will."
The boy sulks back to the rest of the Careers.
From then on, Stellan and I travel from station to station together. On the condition that he teaches me how to tie knots, I agree to teach him how to use a knife.
At the knots station, he teaches me how to make a knot that would be useful for making snares.
"So why'd you quit?" I ask him the question I'd been desperate to ask for a while.
Stellan shrugs. "I didn't want to be just another Career."
I nod in understanding.
"At least the Careers are two people short this year."
"What do you mean?" I ask him, stopping my knot to look at him. "Isn't the girl from District 1 in it?"
"Of course not!" Stellan snorts. "Have you seen her? The other Careers didn't even ask her to join. She couldn't hurt a flea. She'd be more of a hindrance than a help."
"Don't talk about her like that!" I snap, surprising myself.
Stellan looks wounded and shocked. He glances between me and the girl, who is still at the camouflage station.
"Sorry!" I blush, trying my best to not look at Stellan.
"It's fine. But," he smiles mischievously. "I think you have a thing for her."
"What? That's crazy. Why would I? I mean, who would? Not that she's not pretty. She's very pretty..." I trail off, realising too late I've said too much.
Stellan shakes his head in mock disappointment, and I can see he's resisting the urge to smirk.
"Jago, in a few days, we'll be forced to kill each other. And all you're thinking about is who looks cute?" he grins.
"Shut up!" I whip him on the arm with a rope. Stellan steals the rope out my hands and quickly ties it into a knot I was struggling to learn.
After I mastered a few basic knots, we moved on to the knives station. Apparently, back in District 4, Stellan had had no need to ever use a knife properly. Between the trainer and I, we taught him everything possible about knives.
For the next two days, the two of us trade knowledge with each other and gain more with the help of the trainers. We learn how to sword-fight, how to wrestle and decide which berries and mushrooms are poisonous.
We stay clear of the axe station, even though I can't help but stare longingly at it. Still, I don't break my promise to Crispin. Stellan isn't under the same rules as myself, and so I spend an hour watching him show off with the tridents.
The Careers continue to intimidate the rest of us. Lilibeth drifts from station to station. Despite previously thinking she didn't stand a chance, I can see she's really trying. I keep an eye on the girl from District 1, something which Stellan teases me about. She stays at the camouflage station, painting on everything but herself. The Gamemakers study us the whole time from a platform.
At lunchtime on the third day, the Tributes get called out one by one for their private session with the Gamemakers. Starting with District 1, boys and then girls. As the Tributes trickle in, the rest of us stay in the dining room, awaiting our turn anxiously.
When they call my name, I enter the gymnasium nervously. The Gamemakers all look bored as they swirl the glasses of wine in their hands. Immediately, I spot the bearded Head Gamemaker.
The gymnasium looks huge without the other Tributes to fill up the space. Even though there are endless possibilities, I instantly head over to the axe station. I can't help but run. The many axes scream my name.
I pick up a small silver axe. I gently stroke my finger over the sharp metal edge. It's brand new. It's completely different from the one I owned in District 7. The Capitol design makes it light and aerodynamic.
In my amazement, I've forgotten what I'm here for, and I can see the Gamemakers looking at me expectantly from the corner of my eye. I grab another axe in my left hand and go over to the shooting range. I stand about ten metres away from the bullseye I'm aiming for.
I lay the axe in my left hand down on the floor. I concentrate on the centre of the bullseye. With the axe in my right hand, I swing back. I release.
It whizzes straight above the bullseye, cutting into the wall behind it. I've thrown it too hard for such a light axe. From the Gamemakers' platform, I hear unimpressed mutters. Blushing, I pick up the axe on the floor.
I throw it, and it lands in the middle of the bullseye. Satisfied, I turn to smile at the Gamemakers. Now, they seem to be paying attention. I smile to myself, and continue to throw axes at the bullseye.
After a while of throwing the axes and not missing the bullseye, I realise the Gamemakers are beginning to lose interest. So I pick up a large red axe and go over to the various dummies set up at the knife station. I stand beside a particularly big one.
I swing the red axe behind my head and let go. The axe hits the surface of the dummy. There is a fraying sound as the fabric tears and the white stuffing spills out. The top half of the dummy lands on the floor.
There are several gasps from the Gamemakers.
Slowly, I go around the dummies, chopping them in half or slicing their heads off. The stuffing litters the floor untidily.
After my fifteen minutes are up, the Gamemakers politely dismiss me.
That evening, when Finbar arrives at my door to tell me it's dinner time, I bound out of the door, a smile stretching from ear to ear.
"So it went well, then?" asks Finbar, slightly bemused.
"Very well!" I reply.
When we arrive at the dining room, everyone else is already at the table, including our two stylists. Upon seeing me, Adira stands up and wanders over to me.
"Jago, my boy, how are you?" she asks me, clasping my face in her hands.
"I'm fine, thank you." I answer, sending an alarmed look to Crispin, who has to look down at the table to hide his smile.
Adira lets go of my face and returns to her seat, and Finbar and I take our own seats. The Capitol attendants start to serve our food. I tuck into a delicious carrot soup.
"So, how did your session go?" Finbar asks Lilibeth.
"Fine." she shrugs. I may not know Lilibeth very well, but I can tell there's something wrong with her.
"Jago says his session went very well!" says Finbar, turning his attention from Lilibeth to me. I nod.
"That's fantastic!" Adira beams. Crispin stays silent but smiles.
"What did you do?" asks Finbar.
"Just threw some axes and destroyed all of the dummies." I grin.
"I noticed." a disgruntled mumble comes from Lilibeth.
Oh dear. Had the dummies been part of her plan to impress the Gamemakers? How many other people had I accidentally sabotaged?
But then I remember we are in a fight to the death, and I shouldn't feel sorry for them. I should feel glad. By ruining other people's chance of survival, I have greatly improved my own.
When we finish dinner, we go through to the sitting room, to watch our scores being announced. A photo of each Tribute flashes on the screen followed by their score out of twelve. A score of one is terrible, whilst twelve is unbelievably good. Careers generally get a high score, and normal Tributes get about five. I'm hoping to get at least a six, with my performance.
The boy from District 1 gets a ten, which is easily predictable. The girl gets one. One. Gasps echo around the room. She's sure to die in the bloodbath at the start.
Such a waste of a pretty face, I think to myself.
The boy and girl from District 2 get eight and nine respectively. The pair from District 3 both get a six. Stellan gets a very good score of nine. The girl from District 4 gets eight. The Tributes from 5 and 6 get average scores. Then it's my turn.
A sullen photo of me appears, followed by a swirly number. Nine.
There are laughs and congratulations from everyone. But we can't celebrate for too long, as Lilibeth's score is shown. She rustles up a very respectable seven. I have no idea what she was so upset about. She seems to have cheered up slightly.
The Tributes from Districts 8 to 12 get mediocre or bad scores, but no-one is really listening. They're too busy opening the champagne and eating cake.
I exchange hugs with Adira, Finbar and even Crispin. I tersely shake Lilibeth's hand. Somehow, the announcement of our scores has reminded us that we are enemies.
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âFiona Bruceâ
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