#life with A Gay Roommate
I walk into my new boarding school, the smell of books library's and ink overwhelms me as I near the desk I put my hands lightly on the desk. I clear my throat nervously.
"Miss? Hi" I say nervously waving.
"Oh hello there dearie" the lady on the desk says to me "what is it I can do for you" she speaks with a sweet tone of voice.
"Hi my names Josie I just moved here and I'm not sure where my room is" I say smiling sweetly.
"Ahh, Josie urrm, let me check where you are... Room... 24" she says giving me a key I thank her nicely and walk off down the hallway
"21... 22... 23... 24!" I knock quietly on the door and I walk in.
"Hi my names jos-" I start to say but I am taken aback by what I see two boys kissing on the sofa. One of them notices me
"Oh, hi" he says pulling away from his partner. He has brown, straight hair "my names Alex" he says to me smiling softly.
"Derek" the other guy says.
"My names... Josie" I say a bit stunned this is not at all what I thought collage was going to be like.
"Are you rooming here?" Alex asks me running a hand through his brown hair.
"Ye-... Yes I am" I say feeling a bit intruding.
"Oh cool I heard someone is coming today.." Alex says to me. I smile awkwardly.
"This is my boyfriend Derek he's rooming a couple of doors down" alex says he holds Derek's hand and they lightly kiss each other on the lips.
"I'm homosexual have been for a while now" Alex says "if your uncomfortable with it I can arrange for a different room?" Alex says to me his cheeks turning bright red.
"Oh no it's... It's fine" I say not sure what I should do. An awkward silence falls upon us. I stand there shuffling on my feet.
BZZZZZZST BZZZZZST! The bell rings loudly.
"Ah, back to the dorms see you al" Derek says as he passes me he shakes my hand I smile and nod.
Alex smiles up at me.
"Anyway would you like a tour of casa de fun?" Alex says. I laugh he's not too bad. He walks over and stands next to me.
"This is the sitting area" Alex says "TV, couch and beanbag.. My beanbag" I laugh as he jumps on it he lands with a thud.
"Kitchen over there, and your bedroom next to mine there. I took the liberty of putting names on the doors" he says smiling. I walk over and read my name tag I read it my name is spelt wrong
-joie- I smile it's coloured in pink and purple. Alex walks up behind me.
"Sorry about that Josie" Alex says laughing the email they gave me had a typo I really thought your name was joie" he laughs harder.
"You didn't have to go to that trouble Alex" I say smiling.
"Well not many People want to room with me they think I'm mental" Alex explains he looks at the ground.
"Alex being gay is normal, I have a uncle who is gay" I say
"Really? Because your reaction with me and Derek was a bit surprised" Alex says smiling.
"Well I wasn't expecting it when I walked In, but don't worry I'm okay with it, I won't make fun of you you seem really nice, we could be friends quite fast" I say smiling.
"Great! I don't really get too many friends they normally leave after they meet Derek" he says.
"I won't" I say smiling.
"I'm baking a cake for my little brothers birthday, if you want to help... I don't know how to use the oven" he says laughing
"Sure, how old is he." I ask.
"12 in a week I'm getting a day off collage for his birthday" Alex says smiling.
"Lucky" I say laughing he leads me into the kitchen and opens a cabinet he takes out a bag of just add water cake mix.
"Oh no that's cheating!!" I say laughing "come on we are going down to the store right away" I say "my treat"
"Are you sure?" Alex says smiling.
"Yeah! I love baking!" I say taking the cheating mix and putting it back in the cupboard.
"I just need to get changed" Alex says walking into his room
"K, by the way when's curfew?" I ask
"Erm about an hour or so" his voice echoes from the other room.
"Okay just didn't want to break school rules" I say
"Josie they are just guidelines" Alex says laughing. Fixing his shirt.
"It's on back to front" I say pointing out the tag.
"Dammit" he takes it off and puts it back on properly.
"Yep on right" I say smiling.
"Come on before the shops shut" he says.
"Ok" I grab my bag and we leave
Thanks folks, this story is true it did happen to me an I will be posting up more chapters of this story :') please follow me :')
We walked out the dorm and walked down to the library.
"Do you know your way to the supermarket?" Alex says to me.
"I saw one on the way here" I say.
"Ahh, that's how you know there is one" Alex says laughing. I giggle we walk up to the desk and sign out. As we leave the door a guy walks in and laughs at Alex
"Hello there gay boy" he says in a mocking voice.
"Shut up Kyle" Alex says angrily. We walk outside
"Who was he?" I ask feeling a bit awkward.
"Jerkman Alex, I'm gay I know but at least I don't jerk myself off in my bathroom every night! Yeah! I heard him!!" Alex says a bit fuming.
"Ok Alex," I say calming him Down.
"I just don't get why they hate me, it's not like I'm a monster" Alex says sadly.
"Your not a monster and trust me Alex, you would be my friend even If you were straight or gay!, it's as long as you're happy it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks" I say sadly now I know what he goes through every day.
"Really?" Alex says smiling.
"Yes, lets go before the shops shut" I take him to the bus stop.
"When is the bus coming?" Alex says to me while I'm checking the bus stop sign.
"Wait.... 60 so in 5 minutes" I say sitting down on the bus stop bench.
"Cool we have 40 minutes before school doors close." Alex says looking at his watch. We sit and wait a bus pulls up and the doors open
"Where are you going to" the bus driver asks.
"Just down tesco" Alex says to the bus man
"20 pence please" the man says
I give him forty pence Alex whacks me on the shoulder
"I will pay since your getting the cake mix!" Alex says strictly.
"Alex it's fine, anyway 5 more 20 ps I get a bus ticket!" I say laughing.
"Alright but we are going halves on the cake!" Alex says
"Ok" I say giving in.
We find out way to the back of the bus and two more people get on they are drunk the girl gives the bus man money and they run to two seats infront of me and Alex the bus starts the drunk guy whispers in her ear and kisses her neck the girl gets up and goes to the pole you hang onto when there is no seats she starts to wrap her legs around it and dance for the man. Alex looks at me like WTF! She takes her top of and Alex covers my eyes. I don't know what happens but I'm sure I don't want to. I feel the bus stop and loud footprints.
"YOU TWO OFF NOW!!" The bus man voice rings out. My heart stops is he talking to us?! I pull Alex's hand off my eyes and I feel relived as he was talking to the drunks infront of us the two People get off
"Sorry about that you two" the bus man said.
We smile at him the bus starts again.
"Josie, it looked like you were going to have a heart attack then" Alex laughs.
"I thought he was talking to us!!" I say scared.
"Nah the two drunks infront of us" Alex said laughing
"Tesco!" The bus man says
"Come on" Alex says we walk outside into the cold air. The bright lights of the sign really make me squint because its too bright.
"God they could light up a whole cavern with that thing" I say. He laughs we walk into the store.
"What ingredients do you already have?" I ask.
"Sugar... And milk" Alex says
"So we need eggs and flour" I say he nods.
"We walk down the isles and find eggs I carry them. We go and find the flour he goes to pick it up but the bottom ripped on it .
"Balls!" Alex shouts as the flour poofs everywhere half the isle turns white I look over at him he looks white as a sheet.
"Errm Alex? What should we do." I say scared I can see he's laughing silently.
"Oh lord,!" Alex finally says after fits of laughter
"I'm going to go tell them what happened they won't get mad will they? If we tell the truth" I say
"No they won't let me go" Alex says.
"No you won't stop laughing" I say smiling.
"You look like you've seen a ghost" Alex says bursting with laughter
"Shut up" I say stifling a laugh.
I walk up to the till my clothes feel heavy Alex is behind me trying his best not to cry out with laughter.
"Miss?" I say to the lady on the till she's doesn't look to old about 50
"Oh lord!" She says "carol we have a flour problem"
Hey readers!! Thanks for reading! Will be writing again tommorrow follow me and comment your name on this and when I write again I will put your names in a comment so you know ) hope you like it :')
Chapter 3
A lady with Gray hair tied back in a knotty bun walks out and she sees us covered in white her mouth drops open.
"What on earth happened?" She says almost laughing herself.
"When we picked up the bag of flour the bottom fell open sorry" I say biting my lip. I look over to Alex who looks like he is going to explode with laughter.
"Ahh dear there is no reason to be sorry" she laughs.
We will get you some flour and you just wait here and pay for your things" the other lady says
"Thanks" Alex says controlling himself.
We wait at the till I laugh at Alex.
"You look like a snowman" I say finally acting a bit childish.
"Says ghost here" he laughs back at me the lady's face appears again and we stop laughing immediately.
"Here's your flour" she says giving us it alex checks the bottom of it
"Yep safe" he says his voice going high from talking while trying not to laugh.
We spilt the money and pay the lady.
"Thank you so much miss" I say as we walk out.
"Damn" Alex says looking at his watch
"What?" I say.
"We are late for curfew" he says looking worried.
"How late?" I say biting my nails.
"half an hour, the librarian will still be there." Alex says.
"Ahh! Bus!" I say pointing at the bus stop a bus has just pulled up we leg it towards it.
"To the collage please" Alex says.
"I'm sorry but your not allowed on covered in white powder." The bus driver says
"Flour" Alex say.
"Still I will get told off" the bus man drives off.
"Lets just walk back to collage" I say smiling
What seems like ages we walk back. And knock on the window the light is on in the library no students in there they are in there rooms. The librarian sees us and unlocks the glassy door
"Why, what on earth happened to you two?" She asks nicely.
"We dropped a flour bag at the shop and then we walked back because the bus driver didn't let us on the bus" Alex says tired. Well it been a very eventful day!.
"Oh dear I can't let you two in the library like that" she says brush yourselves off outside and then when you have the bulk off you can go through. I'm sorry you two but you still need detentions school rules" see says sympathetically.
"Ok miss" I say smiling.
We stand in the gutter and shake it off.
"If anybody saw us we would look like prats" Alex says laughing
"Yeah I feel like a dog after its been swimming in the lake. I say feeling very dumb just jumping around like a lunatic.
Once we had most of it of we got to go inside
" I suggest you two have a shower." The librarian says.
"Yeah" Alex says.
We walk upto the dorms trying to be quiet.
"Pssft... Eventful day" Alex says
"Yeah" I agree.
"There is two showers one for each room" Alex says.
"Really?! This dorm has more rooms that my old apartment!" I say amazed.
"Yeah it is big" Alex says.
Hi end of chapter 3 sorry about uneventful chapter I promise I will get on with it it gets more interesting... If you want to read on just write your name down in comments and when I write a new chapter I will tag you in the comment ) thanks so much if your still reading
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