Wolf Musty leaves crunched beneath my feet.A raven cawed above, latching claws on a stubby Oak branch.Shrubs from behind rustled, my palms were hot and sweaty."Who's there?"I quickly spun myself around.A sharp black nose peered from the tall bush."Don't come closer."I stammered.The whole thing was revealed, a strong built body appeared.It was deep black, with big carmel eyes, rounded with silver fur.His long tail, tipped with bright gray.I fell to the muddy ground, making a large thud.The raven cawed once more.It flew Into the air, I stared in awe.My eyes, and his, grew bugged."Please, don't hurt me!"I cradled my arms over my head.My ears were ringing, as the big wolf jumped over my head onto a dirty boulder.But he wasn't trying to get me, he was trying to get dinner.He tore off a wing of the poor raven.Blood gushed onto my white short sleeve shirt, as he took a bite out of it's chest."Don't do that."I moaned as I stared at him in horror.He just growled back, continuing to munch on the dead raven.It took one last weak call...then it was no more.I can't see anything die, it always reminds me of my parents.I've always dreamed of running away front the orphanage, and now I was."My name is Mason, can I name you?"I crammed a thumb at his warm chest.He dipped his head in front of mine."You can be Nile."I suggested.He dipped his head again.I patted his thick head, he smiled."Mason!Come here, honey."Grandma called.Nile shook himself, like he snapped out of a trance. Grandma appearance, stumbling out from behind a tall Oak."M-mason."She gasped, Nile stood still by my side.He held his ears behind as he hissed."No, Nile!"I shouted.Nile bit grandma's ankle, "Ah, oh my!"She screeched."Nile!"My eyesight seemed to be black and white.Everything was in slow motion.My ears were buzzing again.When I looked up from my feet, grandma laid still.I chocked, and my throat was itchy."Grammy."I sobbed.I wrapped my arms around her tight."You animal!Don't do that!Don't kill!"I whacked his snout.He stepped back, and whined."Why'd you do that?"I fell to my knees.He rubbed a paw on my back, like he was saying "I'm sorry."But I didn't forgive him.I sniffed and wiped my tears."I'm scared, Nile.I don't have anywhere else to go.I don't want to kill to eat...but I must."I said. I grasped a pocket mouse in my fist.It struggled and whimpered.Nile held his ground, waiting patiently for me to eat it."What do I do?"I asked. He walked up to me, stealing the mouse.He pinned it to the cold dirt, with one claw.He shuffled his paws, snapping the mouse's neck.Blood streamed from it's shoulder.He passed the mouse in front of me.I took a tiny nibble of it's stubby leg."Eek!"I cried.It tasted delicious, but I hated admit it, even to a wolf.Blood dripped from it's thighs and belly."That was horrible."I replied. "Should I really be here?Do I even belong here, in the forest?"I frowned.The sun had faded, turning the sky a light purple.He snuggled up against my shoulder, warming me completely.Even though we just met, I knew we would be a pack forever. To be continued...
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