Noah A deer was grazing in a feild. About 50 yards away a rifle's barrel came out of some thick grass. Behind the rifle was a 13 year old boy. Right as he was going to pull the trigger.He woke up. Noah got dressed and walked downstairs. When he got downstairs he found a note that said,"Dear Noah, I went to do some errands, sincerely mom. Noah found some cereal. While Noah was eating he was thinking of Christmas. Noah likes to hunt. The only thing he ever hunted was birds with a BB gun. Noah was hoping that he would get a rifle for Christmas. 5 days after Christmas. Noah had got a rifle for Christmas.He was out hunting in the fields.He saw a Bobcat in the field.He took out his rifle and aim it at the bobcats head.He pulled the trigger and the bullet went right in the bobcats head.Noah skinned the bobcat and sold the skin.When he got home he told his mom about the hunt.His mother was impressed of how well Noah got at hunting.That afternoon Noah asked his mom if he could go night hunting.She said yes so Noah got his rifle ready and headed out to hunt.As he was about go outside he heard a howl from a wolf. I added some more to the book .
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