Inglenook I don't keep it in the attic, it's not inside a drawer, it's more precious than that to me, for it means so much more. It isn't in the garden, it isn't in the car, I don't keep it in a jewellery box, I don't want it too far. I keep it really close to me, as close as it could be. In the inglenook of my heart, I keep your love for me.
Old Friends I know, late again for #household, I'll catch up at some point I promise! There was a clock, as old as he, it had been loosing time, in the same way he'd loose his teeth, or forget a word or rhyme. It aged along with the old man, each day the hands would slow, and as he moved with difficulty, the clock it seemed to know. One day the old man took to bed, his voice then lost all power, the rusty clock still told the time, but stopped chiming the hour. The old man's heart began to fade, his breath became a flutter, and so the clock hands followed suit, it's 'tick tock' sound did stutter. And when the old man breathed his last, and passed from this world on, the clock did stop and no more would work, as if it too had gone. Obv inspired by My Grandfther's clock
Pegging This is really late for #household peg day- appologies @nom! She pegged it on the kitty cat, she pegged it on the moon, she pegged it on her state of mind, she pegged it on a tune. She pegged it on the season change, she pegged it on the wall, she didn't peg it on herself, no not once at all.
Sienna Williamson
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