Vacation Morning Waking Makeupping Stressing Byeing Leaving Driving Waiting Bussing Forgetting Worrying Calling Finding Running Missing Changing Boarding Planing Opussing
read more...Vacation Morning Waking Makeupping Stressing Byeing Leaving Driving Waiting Bussing Forgetting Worrying Calling Finding Running Missing Changing Boarding Planing Opussing
read more...#Tbt: Part Two I know it isn't Tuesday or Thursday, but the hashtag is correct in that this is definitely a throwback for me. This is a continuation of my previous Opuss. I wrote it when I was NO JUDGING ALLOWED!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By 8:15, Sunny, Akya, Beck and I were walking down the corridor toward Blue Dolphin Elementary School. After we dropped Sunny off at her kindergarten classroom and dropped Akya off at her second grade classroom, Beck and I headed off to Mrs. Johnson's fourth grade classroom. Mrs. Johnson had pretty blond hair and stunning green eyes. When we walked into the room, she said to us, "You're Beck and Bloom McCrary, right?" "Right," I said. "We're new." Then we waited for the rest of the class to come in and get settled, and then Mrs. Johnson told us to stand in front of the class and introduce ourselves. "Hello," I said, waving. "I'm Bloom, and this is my twin sister, Beck." Beck looked at the floor and muttered, "Hi." After that, Mrs. Johnson found us some desks and chairs. I was in the front row, and Beck was behind me. After I wrote down my homework and put my school supplies away, Mrs. Johnson started the lesson. "To solve the problem 6z=18, first you have to think, 'six times blank equals 18'. Who knows the answer?" I knew it without even thinking. My hand shot up into the air. "Yes, Bloom," Mrs. Johnson said, pointing at my hand. "Six times three equals eighteen," I said in one breath. "Excellent, Bloom," Mrs. Johnson said. "You must have paid attention in third grade." I smiled and tried to give her a "yes-as-a-matter-of-fact-I-did" look, but it wasn't easy. Obviously recess was different for us because we were on a ship. It was a large room with lots of tables and chairs, and cabinets full of toys and board games. There was also a genuine field and playground. There were trees and flowers everywhere. My new friend Vevo said that Mrs. Johnson had the earth power. That particular day I was playing a game called Sorry with Beck, the girl who sat on my right, and the boy who sits on my left. The girl, whose name was Amethyst, had long black hair and brown eyes. The boy, whose name was Jason, had brown hair and green eyes. "Are you the only ones in your family?" asked Amethyst, who was a chatterbox like me. "No," I said. "There are six of us." "Six girls in one room!" Amethyst said, her eyes widening. "That would drive me crazy!" It's just me in my room, but luckily my room is next to Jason's. Suddenly the "get ready to go back to class" bell rang. Beck and I stood up and got ready to put the game away. But then, Amethyst took out a key and a box with a keyhole in it. Then she turned the key in the box, ad suddenly, the board folded up and flew into the box, the game pieces slid into their plastic baggie and flew in, and the game box closed and flew back to the cabinet where we found it. Then Amethyst smiled and put the box and the key back in her pocket. When we got back to class, Mrs. Johnson was smiling. "I have a very interesting lesson for you this afternoon." Her smile dropped. "But it's very mysterious, too." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Apparently, even in fourth grade I struggled with plot progression. And my vocabulary...Yikes!! -.-' If you read the whole thing, I swear I love you to death. #tbt <3 -Maura
read more...#Tbt: Part One I wrote this when I was nine. So no judging, k? Just thought I would share it while going through old projects on my computer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I wish none of this had ever happened," I said, breaking my cookie in half. No matter how good it looked, I just didn't feel like eating it. We were sitting in a corner of the hold, which was lit by a light that Sunny herself had made with her light power. "Hi, kids," said Miley, coming over to our corner and sitting between Maidie and Beck. There were tears on Princess's face, but she wiped them away when she saw Sunny. Miley is always calm, even during the hard times. "Miley!" Maidie had a look that said, There's Something You Forgot, And I'm Going To Remind You Now, Because You Should Have Remembered It Before Now. "What is it, Maidie?" asked Miley. My cousin looked terribly confused. "Did you forget you had weather power?" said Maidie. "You can change the weather and stop this storm." Miley's face turned pale, and she looked away. I thought I heard her say something, but if she did, it was drowned out by the howling of the wind. Miley never used her powers, probably because it reminded her of her mother. But her sadness didn't last long, because according to Ms. Brown, a spell was put on The Sunset, which makes everyone on it forget about all the sad things that happened to them. Maidie looked guilty. The last thing she would ever want would be for her favorite relative and best friend to be unhappy. The all clear bell rang, and we dragged ourselves back up to our rooms. Before I knew it, I was back in bed, still unable to sleep. "Stop worrying," I thought. "Tomorrow you're going to have lots of fun at your new school, and you'll be a very good student. Be sensible, Bloom." "That's right," I said out loud. "Think about the good things that are going to happen to you, not the bad things. Now go to sleep so you won't be tired tomorrow." "What did you say?" asked Beck sleepily as she sat up in bed. "Nothing," I said, and we both went to sleep. The next morning I woke up and looked around. It was mostly dark, but the sky had turned the color blue that I always thought looked eerie and quiet. I tiptoed over to the closet to get dressed. It was hard to get ready for school without waking anybody up. I carefully opened the closet door. Then I pulled out the clothes I had picked out the night before. Then I carefully closed the door and put the clothes on top of my dresser. "Bloom?!" said a surprised voice behind me. I whirled around. There was Maidie, in the kitchen turning pennies into breakfast food. "Maidie?!" I said, surprised. "What are you doing up this early?" "I'm always up this early," she said, turning back to her pennies. Then she looked back at me. "What are YOU doing up this early?" she asked me. "I just woke up," I said. Then, suddenly I felt closer to my sister. "Boy, that was a weird night," I said, sitting in one of the chairs. "Yeah," said Maidie. "I wish I wasn't so outspoken. "You're not outspoken," I said, trying to make her feel better. "At least not always." Maidie smiled and handed me a waffle. It was hot beyond hot, so I cooled it off before taking a bite. After I was finished, I went to cool the rest of the waffles while Maidie ate her breakfast. We McCrarys like to make our powers useful. I took a deep breath, relaxed my muscles, and blew.
read more...My next few Opusses ( Oppi?) are going to be the girls writing their "Wonderland" stories. While this isn't something my own friends and I did together, we did have a game that we based our writing projects on in elementary school, hence my source for the idea. But my point in posting this is, keep in mind that they are little girls and that I'm going to be writing from the viewpoint and at the appropriate level for smart third-graders. So don't judge or anything. -Maura<3
Okay, I really need you guys to help me out here and offer opinions. I kind of liked how this last piece was starting out, but no one has been responding to it, so I need the brutal truth, should I continue it? I know I started it out a bit slow, but I would work on improving the plot progression (I'm really bad at that guys, if you haven't noticed...). Just comment your opinion? Any tips or constructive criticism is much appreciated. Thanks! -Maura (ChristineXPhantom) <3