The Week... Part 2 After an agonising two and a half hour drive with mum singing terribly too songs she didn't know, we made it to Aunt Mags house. For an old lady who lives on her own she has quite a big house. Four bedrooms and a long thin garden filled with fresh deep green grass and pink and red flowers along the edges. After an awkward greeting with a big sloppy kiss on the cheek, we pulled in our suitcases and went up to our usual rooms. My room is full of all the drawings I did as a child. Mostly of tree's and Fizz from the Tweenies - I had a crush on her as a toddler - I shoved my suitcase in the corner of the room and headed straight out. I had to climb over Jackson as I was going down the stairs. I ran out the door and walked to the town centre. There is a smoothie bar I like to go too right in the centre. After a short walk I made it too the smoothie bar. I think its called Juiced or something obvious like that. I walked in through the main doors and looked up at the options as I was walking towards the till. So clumsy, predictable me collided with a person. "Oh crap!", i cursed as a ruby red smoothie soaks through my shirt and onto my chest. "Oh my god i am so sorry". I looked up from my shirt and standing right in front of me was a gorgeous golden haired teenage girl only slightly shorter than me. I gazed into her apologetic greeny brown eyes and stood up straight. "Um, its-it-t-its fine", I stuttered. "It was my fault don't worry". "No, I got strawberry all over your shirt". She started rubbing my wet shirt with napkin from the table next to us. I put my hand under her chin and gently made her look at me, "It's okay" I slightly whispered while smiling at her. She smiled back and I felt the magnetism. "I'm Chloe." She said with her chin still on my hand. I moved it away and replied "I'm Chris". "Im going to buy you another smoothie" I demanded. "Okay then i will go find us a table", she walked away still smiling at me and almost crashed into a waitress. It made me laugh. I went to the serving desk and ordered to smoothies. I paid, took the smoothies and walked over to the table for two in the shop window where she was sitting. I sat down with the smoothies and handed her a strawberry bliss. "Thankyou" she said, still grinning her face off.
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