My 2012 #life Well what can I say? I'm 16 years old and just started college (2012) and I thought everything was going great, having a family, boyfriend and friends until my bad luck kicks in. Me and my little sister have never got along never, and well this one particular day we had one of out arguments and as usual she winds me up to the part I can't take it and I just flip, I swore a lot. Me and mum ended up in a fight she bruised my face and pulled my hair and so that's when Steff stepped in. I went to bed as I had college the next day after my mum telling me she wants me gone, and that she didn't want me under her roof anymore, any way I went to college the next day and acted as if nothing had gone of expecting it all to be okay when I got home. It didn't. My mum walks in from work and said what are you still doing here? I didn't say anything she then says I thought I told you to go. So at that moment it suddenly clicked that this was it and that I was really getting kicked out I packed a few bags and went at first I hug about the corner of where my mum lived and I didn't know where to go I was scared I couldn't stop crying, I rang Danielle (my best mate) she told me to ring josh (my amazing boyfriend) and talk to him so I did. I really didn't want to ask him this but I had too I had nowhere left to go I text his saying "babe I really don't want to do this it's really not fair on anyone but could you please ask your mum if I could stay at yours for tonight?" He didn't ask her straight away but I did end up staying there. Walking down to his house with my bags was awful, my stomach was upside down I felt I'll, heart beating as fast as base drums in a rock band. For the first couple of weeks I could stop crying I could sleep or think but there where Sometimes where I thought it was all a dream. But then i would have a reality check and boom, suddenly it wasn't I would see my little sister in town and we would be so happy to see each other she would cry when she saw me and I would cry when I saw her. Now it's November and its been nearly 2 months that I haven't been living at home, sometime I get these urges to cry and I don't know why. For the past two weeks now I've been worried about money troubles and not having any family to rely on I mean I'm so glad that katrina and grant are letting me stay here but I feel like rubbish sometimes because its coming closer and closer the Christmas and I haven't got the money to spend on my amazing boyfriend who has been there for me when I've needed him the most! and we'll I guess this isn't finished my nightmare is still going ...
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Just Anonymous
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