Bullying Awareness Beautiful girl, saddened face, Bullied for her weight Called ugly, called fat by the "popular" girls No where to go to, only tears Her grades fall lower and lower, No one knows she cries at night, yearning for a friend, as her Facebook fills up with hate She's perfectly normal, just like you, Yet you think she's somehow different, though she's the same You popular girls, with your cliques, cornering her every chance you get Stop bullying this girl, what'd she do? Only a beautiful soul who deserves a #life too So when she's gone, her corpse hanging in the closet, Think about what you've done, think of your lies, the cries, the hateful words Think about the names, loser, geek Think about the pain Only a beautiful soul, look what you've done to this girl
Suicide You're beautiful, Don't need no zero size jeans, No make up, Just be yourself Don't need no slutty clothes, No duck face, Not every guy, Just be yourself You're not confident so you cut, Don't cut please, Don't smoke, Think of all the good people in this world, Don't go down a dark path, Suicide is never the answer Just be yourself Think of all the good times you've had Before its too late, Drugs won't solve your problems and neither will hanging yourself, So before its too late, Before you die, Just so you know, I love you
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