Some Friday Fun
The sea draws its breath,
The tide: A slow gentle snooze,
Of a beast that is dormant,
Calm now; but surely a ruse?
...It stirs,
Oh how it stirs, festering in pools
Whirlpools swarm -enticing distant storms to join,
To join in its reign.
The maelstrom, oceans tight sprung coil
Turns and churns, the calm to spoil
Neptune resplendent, his trident transcendent
Causes dark water'd hell to broth and boil...
On an isle in this sea of darkness
Stands a maiden with beauty exquisite
Consumed by her constant dream
That someday her prince will visit
Proposed contributor:
@tetti2 @SeanDoFosho @burrahobbit
(If any of you are around)
Note - Please KIK your behind the scenes comments to Vie (@vieromero) or Sam (@paintingskies).
The rules (amended please read):
Following the lines you have written tag another wonderful Opussian to continue with another 1-7 lines of poetry, prose -who we will encourage to tag another Opussian and so forth until the piece comes to a natural end declared by the last writer of the piece -who will in turn choose an appropriate title for the finished piece.
Each contributor will be required to tag in the predecessors of the piece so we can all follow the developments together.
Please tag it #FridayFun
Please briefly include the above rules at the end of your posts & also follow the contributors/proposed contributors format above.
CONTRIBUTORS: Please prepare a short paragraph (or two) about your thoughts behind writing your piece and kik it over to @vieromero or @paintingskies, who will be preparing the popular 'Behind the Scenes with the Writers' post.
The following Friday I will set the ball rolling again -so watch out, that person just might be you.
For the ease of copy and pasting & preventing Chinese whispers it may be best if you copy and paste your post to the person you are tagging through kik or by sharing it as an email (just follow the link to copy it).
I hope that all makes sense.
-remember it's just for fun.
Sienna Williamson
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