Society If you take the pill, you're a slag. If you don't have sex, you're fridged. If you don't have a job, you're on the doll. If you do have a job, you're obnoxious. If you post more than one status a day, you're an attention seeker. If you never post a status, you're a loser. If you wear a hoodie, you're a chav. If you wear converses, you're an emo. This is society.. Amazing, isn't it?
Girls Girls are the most complicated species on the planet.. Well at least that's what people like to believe. We really aren't that complicated. There are many types of girls: The slaggy one, the attention seeking one, the bitchy one, the quiet one, the nerdy one, the pretty one, etc. But the truth is, every girl has all of these qualities. The slaggy one has probably had her heart broken so many times that she is beyond caring. The attention seeking one is probably dying inside and just screaming for a friend. The pretty one is just hiding behind her makeup because that's what society tells her to do. Every girl has a story, listen to it. Maybe they won't be so complicated after all.
Love Love is probably the most painful emotion there is. Worry, anxiety, jealousy, paranoia, hurt, anger, betrayal. Love can drive us crazy even at the best of times. But it is all worth it in the end. Falling for someone is a magical thing, nothing to be take for advantage. Arguments and fights only make a relationship stronger.. That's IF you can get through them. Getting through them shows how strong your love is, it shows that you can over come anything. Just remember the good times, look into their eyes, and think about all the reasons you fell in love with them in the first place. Yes it's not nice to fight with the person you love but see it as a good thing.. Two strong connections are bound to collide at some point.