Hi my name is Sydney and my name is Caitlin we are BFF'S. We've always dreamed of finding Aliens. Tomorrow we are going to sneak onto a space ship that's going to outer space. We've got to get our bags packed we've already told our parents we are going to a friends for 3 days or so. We can't wait I've got everything I need food alien catcher ect. It's time to go to bed we are leaving at 100am exact. Good morning we are going now mom love you by tell dad we said by and we love him. Now for the hard part sneaking on the space ship but luckily I have a plan. Ok here it is the space ship leaves at 110. So they get here at 10:30. So if we get there at 100 we'll have enough time to sneak on and find a good hiding place. Let's go. We found our hiding place and now were of. We're here now let's get of the space ship and we're finally of. Look it's an alien what do we do? I don't know maybe scream ahhhhhhhhhhhh. Ok I'm out of breath anyways back to my screaming ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ok I have an idea. What is the idea. We ask her what her name is maybe she's nice. Ok but your asking it was your idea. Ok I will. Um hello what's your name? Sorry I didn't see you there my name is Madison what's your name? My name is Sydney and this is Caitlin um are you nice? Of corse I'm nice well do you want to play with us? Shore why not after that do you want to meat my parents? Shore why not. Let's go meat you parents now. Ok. Hey mom I made some new friends can I bring them in to introduce them to you? Shore why not. Wait you are humans you want to catch us and kill us. No we don't we're nice. Oh ok come in. When we were done we left. Finally were home mom dad were home you'll never guess what we did. What did you do? We went to space and met a new friend her name is Madison. Ok sweet hart you must of had a good time at your friends house now get in your PJ's it's time for bed. That night we dreamed about that day and how we're going to go back and see her. THE END
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