Ally | Part 1 I sank to my knees in the damp earth, let the heavy rain soak through to my skin. My hands clutched tightly a little bouquet of forget-me-nots; the colour of his eyes. My fingers traced the fresh, gold lettering on the marble stone. I could barely make out the words through my tears, but that didn't matter - I knew them by heart. "I miss you, Dylan," I whispered, my voice catching on his name. I pressed my lips to the blue flowers and closed my eyes, breathing in their scent before laying them on the newly dug grave. "Dylan, I can't do this without you," I moaned, covering my face in my hands. All I wanted was to lie their in the pouring rain, wait for night to come, let the cold take me. All I wanted was to stay here forever, with him. But I knew it wouldn't be long before someone came to fetch me. I was certain that by now the hospital staff would have noticed I was gone and a police car would be on their way to take me back. The night Dylan died, I lost it. I tried to throw myself off a bridge. I'd been locked up in that hospital for 3 months now. When they brought me in, I remember telling a nurse that all I wanted was to be with Dylan. "It's tragic," she'd taken my hand sadly, "16 was so young, what did he die of?" "Three bullets," I'd replied simply, "But they were meant for me," It should've been me.
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