Dreaming Of Angels Sleepers and dreamers and fallen gods; Clouded visions of silvered hearts. Burning angels with tears in their eyes, Forever yearning to break from loves lies. I followed you to the sacred ground; Fell in love and got dragged right down. Knew no fear for just one day; Drowned in your eyes and was left astray. No guiding light to ease my pain; All you left me was a dying flame. My mind holds you close when my arms let go, Thought it was heaven but now I know. Deceiving eyes hide every thought. In your web of lies I've been caught. Devilish#moonand angelic stars; Masquerading to cover your scars.
J I saw the devil last night; His eyes burned deep into my soul. The fires of hell blazed in my cheeks, As he smiled at me, Perfectly. He offered me the world, The#moonand the stars; A universe of possibilities opened, And I was trapped. What he offered I could not refuse; But he took my soul, Burnt out my heart, Gave me everything for just one moment, Then ripped it all away. As he did he smiled, Perfectly. I saw the devil last night, As you smiled at me, Perfectly.
Nik Larcombe
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