Heroes CAN Be Funny 'a girl like me always lands on her feet''-catwoman Peter Parker: "You don't trust anyone, that's your problem." J. Jonah Jameson(publisher of daily bugle): "I trust my barber". Thor:''I need a horse!'' William Stryker: "You were sentenced for decapitating a senior officer. The warden tells me that your sentence was carried out by a firing squad at 1000 hours. How'd that go?" Logan: "It tickled." I KNOW HES NOT NECESSARILY A HERO BUT.. Scorpion off mortal kombat-"get over here!"
X-men First Class So I've just watched X-men first class for the billionth time. But iv just realised that at the end of First Class, we see the incident that paralyses Professor X from the waist down. BUT this movie takes place/set in the 60s. In the movie, The Last Stand, the opening scene shows Professor X walking, which is set to be 80s! What do you guys think to the X-men series? YDX
Thor So im sat in bed, watching thor. Does anybody else agree that the film is useless, and that they have created the film so secretly introduce some of the characters from the new avenger film?? I mean the bow and arrow man shooting at thor when he tries to retrieve his hammer? Same actor ect ect, and when the destroyer is sent down, and he says is this one of starks? (iron man) argh! Sorry about gabbling on. Let me know what you think of the film.. YDX
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